Chapter 9

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Austin:" Camera?"
You:" Was that recording the whole time?! Why is-"
You stopped mid sentence realizing what was going on.
You:" You set me up."
Austin:" What?"
You push him off of you and get off the bed.
You:" You. Set. Me. Up. This was a set up!"
You start putting your clothes on.
Austin:" No. Y/n, I promise I have no idea what that's doing there."
You:" I can't believe I fell for this."
Austin:" Y/n, I swear I didn't put that there."
You turn your phone on first the time since yesterday and already have 15 missed calls and 30 messages. You grab your jacket and head toward the door.
Austin:" Y/n! You don't believe me?! You think I put that there?!"
You:" Austin, you were the only one who knew we were going to be here! How else did it get there?!"
You get a text on your phone from an unknown number. "Big bro won't be happy to see this". It was a video. . . The video. You see Austin get on top of you.
You:" Oh my gosh. Who did you send this to?!"
Austin:" Y/n! I-"
You:" I can't believe I let this happen. I can't believe I actually liked you."
You wanted to cry. You wanted to scream. You swing the door open and go to the elevator. You can't believe this was happening. You thought Austin was a good guy. He was only dating you to set you up.
Austin:" Y/n wait!"
You press the first floor button and right as Austin gets to the doors, they close. You call the only person you could think of that wouldn't be pissed off at you.
You:" Jenna? It's me. Could you come pick me up?"

*Later that day*
I was pissed. There was only one other person who knew where y/n and I were going. I open the door and as soon as I see him I explode.
Austin:" Shawn! You set me up!"
Shawn:" Carter, chill."
Austin:" I'm not going to chill! You were the only one who knew where I was taking Y/n! You put that camera in there!"
Shawn:" Austin, you're sleeping with the enemy! That's Danny's sister! Do you even know who she is?!"
Austin:" She's my girlfriend!!!"
Shawn:" Listen to yourself! Do you even know how stupid and dangerous it is for you to date her?"
Austin:" Why did you out that camera in the room?!"
Shawn:" You need to break up with her. Or this video will go out to even more people."
Austin:" More people? Who did you send that video to?"
Shawn:" Just a friend of mine. Break up with her and no one else will see it."

You:" I can't believe I let him fool me into thinking he actually like me."
Jenna:" Y/n, I don't think Austin would do something like."
You:" I tried to convince myself that he didn't do it but he was the only one who knew we were going to be there."
Jenna:" I still don't think he did it. Maybe you should give him another chance."
You:" Why should I give him another chance? He used me."
Jenna:" He loves you! What guys stays with you this long before he "uses" you? If he didn't like you then he would've done this as soon as you two started dating. Someone set him up Y/n. Austin loves you."
Maybe she was right. . . Weird, but right. Your phone rings.
You:" It's Austin."
Jenna:" Put it on speaker."
You do and pause for a second.
Austin:" Hello?"
You:" Hey Austin."
Austin:" Y/n I really need to talk to you."
You:" I understand Austin. I believe you. I know you didn't set up the camera in the room. I'm sorry I accused you of doing that. I feel bad. I promise I'll make it up to you. Maybe tonight we can go to-"
Austin:" Y/n I'm breaking up with you."

You:" Wait, what?"
Austin:" I'm breaking up with you."
You:" Oh. Okay. . ."
Austin:" It's probably best if we don't hang out with each other. And you should probably delete my number, too."
You:" Is this because of my brother and your friends? I can talk to him about it and-"
Austin:" No. Y/n I'm breaking up with you because I never really liked you. Dating you was all a part of a bet I made with the guys."
Your heart shattered. A bet? Your relationship with Austin was all just a bet?!
You:" Oh. What kind of bet?"
Austin:" I'd rather not-"
You:" Just tell me what the bet was and I promise I will delete your number and never speak to you again. It'll be like nothing ever happened."
That was hard to say after everything you'd been through with him. There was a long pause on the other end and then a sigh.
Austin:" The bet was worth $300. If I could convince you to have sex with me. I had to pretend that I liked you so I could have sex with you. The guys said that they would only believe it if I got a video of it. . . That's why the camera was in the room."
You try to hold back your tears.
You:" Wow, $300. I hope it was worth it."
Austin:" It was. . . Don't be sad though. I'm sure another guy will come around that likes you. The sex was great but you know, I just don't like you."

You:" Alright. . . Bye Austin."
Austin:" Bye."
I hang up the phone and throw it on the floor.
Austin:" I can't believe you made me do that!"
Shawn:" It's for the best. Dating her would've only caused more problems."
Austin:" There were no problems!"
Shawn:" There would have been! Do you really want to get one of us killed over some girl?!"
Austin:" She was just 'some girl'! She was the only girl I ever really liked!"
Dylan and Jake walk in without knocking, like always.
Shawn:" You sound like a pussy right now. Just get over her!"
Dylan:" Whoa what's happening right now?"
Shawn looks at me shrugs his shoulders.
Shawn:" Do you want to tell them or should I?"
Jake and Dylan look at me confused. I don't say anything.
Shawn:" Fine, I'll tell them. Y/n-"
Austin:" Y/n broke up with me."
Dylan:" Dude I'm so sorry. I know you really liked her."
Shawn:" Well, some things just aren't meant to be."

Something isn't right here. Just yesterday Y/n and Austin were making out in front of me and now they aren't together anymore?
Dylan:" We're here for you man. Y/n was stupid for dumping your ass."
Shawn smiles and walks away.
Dylan:" Tonight lets go to a club, gets some drinks, pick up some bitches and I guarantee you'll forget about Y/n by tomorrow."
Austin:" Thanks, but I'll pass."
He walks out the room slams the door behind him.
Dylan:" He turned down drinks and girls. . . Damn. . . This is worst than when I broke up with Jenna."
Jake:" Why would she break up with him?"
Dylan:" I'm not Y/n. I don't know why she broke up with him. Go ask her."
Jake:" Fine. I will. But you're coming with me."

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