Chapter 7

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*2 months later*
Drew:" Shut up or I promise I'll beat the shit out of you."
Dylan:" I'll beat the shit out of you first. . . Just like Tom did to Jake."
You all laugh.
Tom:" Hey now, I thought we were passed that."
Jake:" We are, but I'm pretty sure I still have bruises to remember it." Tom:" I'll make it up to you. I'll give you anything you want from my secret stash."
Jake:" That sounds like a deal."
You were all in Danny's room. The guys were playing some fighting video game and you were sitting next to Austin on the bed.
Austin:" It's funny how just two months ago they were all trying to kill each other and now-"
You:" Now they're trying to kill each other on a video game. . . I never expected this to happen."
Austin:" Well it's all thanks to you. If it weren't for you then we honestly would've killed each other." You:" Well I'm glad that didn't happen. I would've missed you guys too much."
Austin:" We would've missed you too. But I would've missed you the most. Because you know I love you and I want to be with you forever and-"
Austin:" Y/n. Wake up. Baby wake up."
You roll over and see Austin laying next to you.
You:" What? What's wrong?"
Austin:" Who is he?"
You look around the room but don't see anyone. It was 6:00am. Is he serious?
You:" Who?"
Austin:" The guy in your dream. I woke up and you were all smiley while you were sleeping. So who is it?"
You:" You were the guy, Austin."
He smiles.
Austin:" Really?"
You:" Yes."
You go to get up but Austin pulls you back on the bed and snuggles next to you.
Austin:" Don't leave. We only have a few more hours before your brother realizes that you're not in your room. You know Chatty Cathy will wake up and freak out that you're gone and ask him about you."
You:" I know. . . I'm tired of sneaking around, Austin."
Austin:" Me too baby. . ."
You:" I can't tell my brother about you and the guys and I can't tell the guys that I'm Danny's sister."
Austin:" Dylan, Shawn and Jake think you're awesome. They're cool with me dating you, but if they find out you're-"
You:" I know. Complete chaos. . . I just wish you all would get along with each other."
A girl can dream right?

His phone rings.
Austin:" Ugh. It's too early for this already!"
You:" Is it Jake again?"
Austin:" Of course."
He answers the phone.
Austin:" What? It's 6:00 in the-. . . What? Right now?"
You try to lean in so you could hear what was happening but Austin gets up and starts putting his clothes on.
Austin:" Yeah. I'm not an idiot. . . Okay okay. What time?"
He's about to leave again. Wake up, "work", school, "work". . . You promised yourself that you would stay out of this stuff, and you are. The problem is that everyone else is still involved with it.
Austin:" 9:00? Fine. . . Yeah. I'll-"
He looks at you and sees the sad look on your face.
Austin:" I'll do it later. . . Yes, it's because I'm with her. . . Okay, I will."
He rolls his eyes.
Austin:" Okay. . . Okay. . . Okay! Bye Jake."
He hangs up.
You:" Are you about leave?"
Austin:" No. Why would you think that?"
You:" Maybe because you're fully dressed. . . And standing by the door."
He looks at the door then back at you.
Austin:" Well. . . I was. . . Going to take you to breakfast before you have to go to class."
You:" It's 6:30."
Austin:" So?"
You:" I should be asleep. My first class isn't until 10:00."
Austin:" So that means we have 3 hours and 30 minutes. Get up. Get dressed. Let's go."
You:" And where exactly are we going?"
Austin:" Uh IHOP of course."
You:" I should've known."

*Later that day*
Danny:" Y/n,"
You:" Yeaaaah?"
Danny:" Tomorrow's your birthday right?"
You:" Yeah. What about it?"
He walks to his closet and pulls out a huge box covered in wrapping paper.
Danny:" Well, I wanted to give this to you now."
You:" Why? What is it?"
Danny:" Open it and see."
You open the box and see a hover board.
You:" Danny! What the hell?! Are you serious?!"
Danny:" Yeah! Makes it easier to get around campus. Me and the guys got one too. We got them customized and it has all of our initials on the tops of the wheels. . . Even Stefan's."
You:" DDT(Y/I)S? How did you pay for this?!"
Danny:" Saved some money up from past deals."
You:" Danny, this is crazy. Thank you so much."
Danny:" Of course. All of us have the same design. So everyone knows you're rolling with us. . . Get it?"
He starts laughing. You loved it, but you couldn't use it. Not if you were gonna be with Austin. Everyone, including Jake, Shawn, and Dylan, would know that you had some connection to Danny and the guys.
You:" Yeah. I get it."
Danny:" I've got to go meet up with the guys, I'll see you later."
As soon as you were sure he was gone, you went to Austin's room.

*Austin's room*
Austin:" And they're all matching?"
You:" Yeah. So that everyone knows that I 'roll with them'."
Austin starts laughing.
Austin:" I get it."
You:" This isn't funny. The guys will find out that I'm Danny's sister."
Austin:" Just don't use it."
You:" Austin, that hover board probably costs like $600."
Austin:" Oh. Well-"
Dylan:" Hey party people!"
Dylan, Jake, and Shawn come into Austin's room.
Austin:" Dylan are you-"
Dylan:" Carter look, there are two things I love in this world, alcohol and. . . And-"
Jake:" He's fucking drunk."
Austin:" We have that big deal tonight. We can't bring him like this!"
Shawn:" We're not stupid. We're keeping his ass here with you."
Austin:" With me? I'm not staying here. Without me this wouldn't even be happening."
Jake:" We can't leave him by himself. You remember what happened last time."
Last time? What happened the last time?
Austin:" Damn it."
Jake looks at you and smiles. Then Shawn. Then Austin.
Jake:" Hey Y/n. . ."
You:" Hi. . ."
Jake:" What do you have planned for tonight?"
You:" I guess I'm babysitting Dylan."
Austin:" Thank you so much! You're the best girlfriend in the world."
He lifts you up and spins you around.
You:" You owe me big time."
He kisses your cheek then whispers in your ear.
Austin:" And I promise I'll pay you back. Tomorrow when it's just you and me."

It's been about an hour since they left and Dylan seemed to be calming down a bit. He was sitting on the bed staring at the wall.
Dylan:" You know what's the worst? Missing someone you'll never see again."
You don't say anything.
Dylan:" She was the best girlfriend. I was happy to call her mine. She was so beautiful and funny and smart."
He sounded like he was going to cry.
Dylan:" She was in an abusive relationship and I was the first person she trusted since then. She felt safe with me and I felt safe with her."
He starts awkwardly feeling the bed, like he was touching her again.
Dylan:" I miss her, you know?"
You just sit there and look at your phone and let him talk about his feelings.
Dylan:" It's my fault. . . Everything was going good and one day we got in a stupid fight and. . . And I slapped her."

You look up at him surprised.
Dylan:" I didn't even think before I did it. It just happened. I tried to apologize. I hugged her and I kissed her while she cried into my chest, then she pushed me away."
He looked like he was crying now.
Dylan:" And the crazy thing is that she actually stayed with me after that. She actually forgave me. The reason we broke up is because I had drunk sex with her best friend. . . I didn't know what I was doing. . . It just blows my mind that she could forgive me for physically hurting her but when I make a drunk mistake she wants to kill me. She just wanted to be loved. . . And I ruined that for her."
You:" I'm sorry that happened."
Dylan:" I sound like such a pussy right now, but sometimes I just need a hug."
A hug? Like, from you? Should you give him a hug? You walk over and sit next to him and put your arm around him. He puts his head on your lap and starts crying. Why was he so vulnerable right now? You stroke his hair and try to make him feel better.
You:" You know, if she's stupid enough to not forgive you for that then she wasn't worth your time."
Dylan:" Yes she was. . . She was the only girl I ever loved and I lost her. . . . . . I guess you just have to love people like it's their last day with you."

*The next day*
Jake:" His ex-girlfriend? Damn. He's never told anyone about her. He must've been really fucked up."
You:" It was kind of funny. He always acts like a badass and-"
Jake:" And he's still not over Jenna. I don't even see why he likes her."
You:" Jenna? Like, my roommate Jenna?!"
Jake:" Yeah. She didn't tell you? She tells you pretty much everything else."
You:" Dylan and Jenna. . . You're kidding."
Jake:" It's 100% true."
You:" . . . But why? How? When did-"
Before you could finish you had two hands covering your eyes.
Austin:" Guess who?"
You move his hands and he wraps his arms around you and starts showering you with kisses.
Austin:" Happy Birthday!"
Jake:" It's you're birthday? Why didn't you tell me?"
You:" Because I didn't want everyone to know. But half the campus probably knows now."
Austin:" Well everyone should celebrate you."
He kisses you again.
Jake:" Okay. I'm just going to leave now. Um Happy Birthday Y/n."
You barely pulled away from Austin long enough to say "thanks" before he walked away.
You:" Austin give me a second to breath."
Austin:" I'm sorry. I'm just really excited."
You:" Why?"
Austin:" Because I have the best day planned out."
Your phone rings.
Austin:" But in order for it to be fun, you'll have to turn your phone off for the rest of the day."
You:" The rest of the day?!"
He smiles and nods his head.
Austin:" You can answer this call but after this you've got to shut it down. Okay? I promise it'll be worth it."

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