Chapter 11

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You see Austin leave out of the corner of your eye. Was he jealous? You felt sick. You didn't want to be here, especially not with Drew.
Drew:" So what do you want to eat baby?"
You were going to throw up.
Drew:" Are you okay?"
You:" No. . . Can I please go back to my room? I don't feel good."
Drew:" Can you just stay for-"
You:" No. I'm done with this. I'm not doing this anymore."
Drew:" Why? Do you still have feelings for Austin? Newsflash: He doesn't have feelings for you."
You:" Fuck you Drew. I'm leaving."
Drew:" Uh you're forgetting something. I still have the video."
You:" Good for you. Send the stupid video to who ever the hell you want. I'm done pretending to be your girlfriend. I'd rather have the whole campus see that video than pretend to be dating a black mailing creep like you."

Y/n was pretending to be Drew's girlfriend?! What the hell is going on?
Y/n starts walking toward us. She looks sick, like she's just fed up with life.
Dylan:" Y/n what the hell are you doing with Drew?"
She doesn't answer and pushes pass him and walks out the door. I follow her to try to figure out what happened.
Jake:" Y/n are you okay?"
You:" Can you just leave me alone please?"
Jake:" No. Not until you tell me what the hell is going on."
You:" I know everything. Okay?"
Jake:" Know everything? About what?"
You:" About the stupid bet you guys made with Austin. How he was just pretending to like me so he could get me in bed."
Jake:" What are you even talking about? We never did that. Why would you think that?!"
You:" Because Austin told me when he broke up with me!"
Jake:" He said you broke up with him."
She looks at me confused and pissed.
You:" I don't know what game he's trying to play, but I'm not playing anymore."
She starts walking away.
Jake:" Wait, at least let me give you a ride. It's a long way back to campus."

I hate Shawn with every bone in my body. How could he betray me? He was supposed to be my brother and now he's ruining my life. I want him to feel the pain I'm feeling. I want him to suffer. . . So here I am. I can't believe I'm doing this. I could get myself killed. . . Oh well. It was bound to happen anyway right? I take a deep breath and knock on the door. He opens the door and laughs.
Danny:" What the hell are you doing here Mahone?"
Austin:" I need your help."
Danny:" Oh yeah? Must be pretty serious if you had to grow some balls and come over here." Austin:" It is. . . I need to get revenge on someone."
Danny:" What kind of revenge are we talking about?"
Austin:" I don't know. I mean, I thought this guy was my brother and. . . I promise, if this wasn't serious I wouldn't have come here."
Danny:" Give me one good reason why I should help you, Carter."
Austin:" Because. . ."
I need to tell him, but if I do then I might really end up dead.
Danny:" That's what I thought."
He starts to close his door.
Austin:" Because Shawn has a sex tape of your sister and is threatening to send it out to everyone."
He stops closing the door and swings it back open.
Austin:" We have to stop him or else everyone on this campus will have that video."
He slams the door shut then comes back with a gun in his hand.
Danny:" So where is this unlucky son of a bitch?"

You:" So Austin didn't do any of that stuff?"
Jake:" No. He'd never do anything like that. We would never do anything like that."
You:" Then why would he say that? Why did he break up with me?"
Jake:" I don't know. But ever since then, Shawn and Austin haven't even talked."
You:" Shawn? What does he have to do with this?"
This is the worst thing ever. Things didn't have to turn out this way. I try to protect my friends and look where it gets me. This whole thing wasn't even my idea. I didn't even know Y/n was Danny's sister until Drew told me. . . Drew. I hate that little piece of shit. He's the reason I'm in this mess. Having me black mail Carter with that sex tape. . .
Now Carter won't even talk to me. I would never use something like that against my friend, my brother. . .but what was I supposed to do? Drew was going to kill me and them. I did what was best, right?

It was almost midnight and I was on my way back from a party. I'm not going to lie, I was pretty wasted and passed out before I got back to my dorm. I woke up the next day in some basement. I thought it was the basement from the party I was at. My arms were tied behind me and I was naked. What the hell happened last night? I get up and walk to the top of the steps. The door was locked. I start banging on the door but stop when my head began pounding. I go back down the stairs and look for my clothes. Someone opens the door and comes down.
Drew:" Glad you're awake."
He looks me up and down.
Shawn:" What the fuck? Why are you here?"
Drew:" I need you to do something for me."
Shawn:" Hell no. I'm not about to-"
Drew:" Ew. The fuck. No."
Shawn:" Good. . . I've done some crazy things but this is not, and will never be, one of them. So wh-"
He pulls out a gun and I immediately shut up. He tells me how Y/n is Danny sister and how Drew and Y/n were dating before Austin came into the picture. He wants her back?
Drew:" Break them up, or I'll be forced to tell Danny about his little sister and your punk ass friend. And you know what will happen after that."
Shawn:" I'm not doing that to Austin. I'd rather you shoot me than break them up. He loves that girl. And obviously Y/n doesn't like you. If she wanted to be with you then she would be."
He kicks me in my stomach and pushes me to the floor. He points the gun at me then pulls the trigger. . .but nothing.
Drew:" Lucky you."
Shawn:" What's with the Russian Roulette?"
Drew:" I'm giving you one more chance to do what's needed to be done or else I'll have to personally kill you and your friends. . . Got it? Or do I need to explain it to you in another way?"

*present time*
Jake drops you off at your dorm and you find Jenna sitting on the bed "studying". Jenna:" Back so soon from your date with Drew?"
The whole day flashed back through your mind. Ugh. You felt sick again.
You:" I left early because I was feeling sick."
Jenna:" Hmmm."
You:" Whats that for?"
Jenna:" It's just weird that you get over Austin and go out with Drew and then Austin sees you on a date with him, storms out, and then you start feeling sick."
You roll your eyes. You didn't have time to explain everything you'd just learned today.
You:" I'm going to go take a shower."
When you got out the shower Jenna was gone. Thank goodness. You didn't have time for her questioning you about everything. You were exhausted. You'd had enough for one day. You put your pajamas on a lay across your bed. It was only 9:00pm. You lay your head on your pillow and your phone immediately buzzes.
7 missed calls from Austin. 1 missed call from Danny. 3 calls from Jenna. 20 texts. You listened to a voicemail Austin left you. He was crying so hard you could barely make out what he was saying.
Austin:" Please hurry. I made huge mistake. I didn't mean to do it. It all happened so fast. I- I- "
There was a pause and then the voicemail ends. You got scared. What the hell is happening?!

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