He's My Dork {6}

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                “Collie! Wake up before we’re late!”

                I cracked my eyes open, looking up at Colin’s impatient face. I looked over at my alarm clock and realized that I was running late for school.

                I got out of bed and Colin left my bedroom. I changed and combed through my hair. I slung my bag over my shoulder and left, heading up to the living room.

                “Finally!” Colin said, coming out of the kitchen and tossing me a granola bar.

                I followed him out to the car and we got in together. I sleepily ate my granola bar as Colin drove us to school.

                We got out of the car when we reached school and went inside together. I followed Colin over to Ant and Zane.

                Colin hugged Ant tightly and smiled, kissing him. I dropped my gaze. It was way too early in the morning to deal with this mixed emotion shit.

                “Do you want to come over tonight Collie?” Ant asked me as Colin wrapped his arms around Ant’s waist.

                “I can’t. I’m going to a party,” I said.

                “Guess Colin and I will just have to have some alone time then,” Ant said, grinning at Colin and pecking his lips.

                But Colin frowned at me. “Party? Where? With who?”

                “What are you, my mother?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. I brushed my bangs out of my face. “Don’t worry about it Colin. It’s none of your business.”

                “Holy shit Collie! Your hand!” Ant said, his eyes going wide with concern.

                I looked down at my bad hand and mentally cursed. The swelling of it had gotten even worse overnight. I had forgotten to ice it.

                “It’s fine,” I said dismissively.

                The bell rang and I hurried away from them before Colin could say anything. I walked around until I was in the nearly deserted junior hallway. I sighed and leaned against a locker, looking down at my hand and observing it carefully. Maybe I should get it looked at…

                I stumbled to the side as someone shoved me. I used my good hand to catch myself on a locker. I looked up and glared.

                “Vance. Jake. Drew,” I said flatly.

                The three boys standing in front of me had been good friends with my brother. They blamed Ant for my homosexuality, and blamed me for Colin’s. Colin had threatened them away from Ant after he found out they had beaten him unconscious.

                But the three kept shooting me dirty looks. They never said anything to me, though, because I was almost always with Colin. They were terrified of Colin. And the hated me for “turning him gay”.

                “Hey faggot,” Vance, the leader of their little homophobic gang, said, smirking at me.

                “Wow, I’ve never heard that one before. I think I might just have to go cry my eyes out,” I said, shaking my head at their stupidity. “Calling me a faggot or a cocksucker or whatever isn’t going to hurt my feelings, Vance. You of all people should know that I’m not exactly a sensitive guy.”

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