Our Second Meet

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Another day. Another mission done. It's really hard ya know, because we never get some rest. Well, just for a few minutes.

"Sis! Come on, let's go home now!" Uh, that's my twin, Naruto.

But sometimes I call him Menma, I don't know why but mom told me when I was dreaming. Yup, dreaming, because that's how me and Naruto want to talk to them. So anyways, while we were walking, Choji, Shikamaru, and Ino, was walking at our direction.

"Come on Choji?!?!" Shikamaru whisper-complained at Choji.

"I really don't want to ask Ino.." Choji replied.

'What's with Choji today?' I thought.

"Hey Menma, I'll just go for a walk in the forest, OK?" I said.

"Sure sis. Just come back safe." Naruto told me.

I forgot to mention he's 5 second older than me.

*at the Forest*

I was walking in the forest, then I heard rustling of trees. I turned around, there was nobody.

"Yuki, we might as well leave." That's Prima, Kurama's twin, and yes me and my twin have nine tails inside of us.

"Hang on, Prima" I replied.

Then I saw a shuriken on the ground. I turned around, and saw a ninja attack me. I dodged, then made a jutsu.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"
8 clones were out, so I ran to the nearest tree and begin to concentrate on sage mode. Some of my clones disappeared. A few minutes later, I got to sage mode, so I made the rest of my clones disappear. Then I attacked the ninja. I got hit but I got up. I'm getting weaker now and I'm not in sage mode anymore. Then I saw the ninja just at the ground. I looked at it and it's eyes were like in a shocking expression. Then I felt someone carry me to the direction of the village. Then I knew who it was.
Black hair down supported by a cloth

Some sort of cape?


Rinnegan on one eye and Sharingan on the other.
I-it's Sasuke Uchiha.... My old friend but now enemy. But he looks a bit like Madara.

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