Minato and Kushina

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I didn't know why we were called neither did my twin. As we wait for a couple of minutes, Lady Tsunade entered.

"I'm sorry if I have to call you around this time even if you, Yuki, just have birth." She apologized.

"No, it's fine. I'm just healing, ya know." I replied while smiling.

"I called on a village meeting so we have to head outside." She said. Me and Naruto nodded, then we went out.

As we got out of the Hokage Residence, we saw two capsules that contained two people inside. We can't see who they are, too.

"I have called the whole village to a meeting because it's time that our two Hokages find out." Lady Tsunade said

Me and Naruto were confused. What should we now?

Then a ninja pressed a button, then it revealed..... No. It can't be..

"Mom? Dad?" I said while a tear went down my face. I saw Hinata, Boruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and Kaori. They saw me and Naruto crying. I couldn't help it, their bodies were hidden and they didn't tell us.

I sobbed.

"Sis.. *sob* you know what to do." Naruto said. I nodded.

Then my hand were glowing blue, I assumes it at my parents. I just looked down. Then a felt two hands hold each of my wrists.

"Yuki, don't tire yourself." The voice is so familiar.

"You don't wanna waste much chakra, ya know?" Another one said.

I looked up. I... Revived mom and dad.

"Mom.. Dad.." I said. Then I hugged them. I felt Naruto hug them too because he also hugged me.

Everyone cheered on.

Then a little later, everybody went home.

"Wow, I can't believe that both my kids became Hokages at the same time." Dad was shocked.

"And became great ninjas. Just like what they promised to us." Mom added.

Both of us smiled. Then I saw Hinata and Sasuke go to us.

"Mom, Dad. This is Hinata, my wife. And my son, Boruto." Naruto introduced his family.

"Mom, Dad. I think you already know who this is." I gestured at Sasuke.

"Wait... Sasuke?" Mom asked.

I nodded.

"Wow, you've grown. I first saw you, you were still a baby." Mom said.

"And this is Kaori." I said while I carried my daughter. Mom's eyes sparkled because of the cuteness of Kaori and Boruto.

"Yuki, Naruto. A word?" Dad asked.

I gave Sasuke, Kaori.

"What is it dad?" Me and Naruto said at the same time.

Dad grinned. "I'm so proud of you two. Having a family of your own, you fulfilled what me and your mother wanted to have." Dad said. Then hugged us. We hugged back. Then we felt another hug, it was mom.

'My families are complete now.' I thought.

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