Obito Uchiha vs. the Hidden Leaf

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*Two months later*


I'm 4 months pregnant now. And I'm just sitting here at home while reading a book while Naruto is busy being the Seventh Hokage. It's hard to become Hokage, ya know?

'I'm bored now' Prima said.

'I now ditto here, too' I told her.

Sasuke just went on a quick journey but he told me he'll be back as soon as possible.

"I'll might as well take a walk." I said to myself. Then I went out to the village.

As I walk down the path to the village, I met up with Ten Ten.

"Hey Lady UCHIHA." she said while empathising the word Uchiha.

I just blushed. "Hey, Ten Ten." I greeted her.

"Wow, Yuki, your bump is already showing." Ten Ten was a bit shocked. I just smiled.

"Well I better go now, still got a mission. Nice seeing you again Yuki!" Ten Ten bid her goodbye and si do I then walked in the village. Many greeted like 'Good morning Lady Hokage' sometimes 'Good Morning Lady Uzumaki or Uchiha'

'I better get used to it' I thought.

Then I began to sense a strange yet strong chakra. Then I heard are screams I looked around... And it was Obito. But without his mask.

'Yuki, don't look at his eyes, remember what happened to Naruto, it was close.' Prima warned me. I just nodded.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the Namikaze Princess." He said while I put my head down. Then he went to my direction to attack me.

I was about to get hit but someone blocked the attack.

"Yuki, go teleport to Naruto, I place your kunai there." Sasuke said.

I nodded. "OK." Then I teleported to Naruto. I ended up in the war base instead, but Naruto's there and Hinata so is Boruto, their little cute and adorable baby.

"Sis, can I trust?" Naruto asked.

"What kind of question is that? Of course." I replied.

"Good, I want you to stay here and keep a look out." Naruto said.

I just nodded.

Then I went to a table where the map is. Then a little later, a guy had a report.

"Lady Hokage! Obito just unleashed a tailed beast. And it's the 5 tails." He said.

I was shocked.

'He still has the tailed beasts?' I questionly thought to myself.

"Who's taking care of it now?" I asked.

"Team 10 and Team 4." He replied.

I just nodded.

Then an hour had past, another report was given.

"Lady Hokage! Obito is aiming for the war base!" He said shockingly.

'Oh no.' I thought.

"Wait..." He said. "Team 7 got in front of the doors to stop him from going in here." He added.

I was even more shocked.

'Naruto. Sasuke.' I thought.

I created a shadow Clone to stall them, to let them think that it's really me. The I used my flying Raijin to go to Naruto.

I got there on time and did a jutsu.

"Leaf Element: Leaf Shield Jutsu!"

Then I protected my brother and husband. I told Prima to protect the child while I used some jutsus.

"Yuki what are you doing here?" Naruto asked me.

"I came here to help my team, ya know?" I said while holding the shield.

"But you're..." I cutted my brother off.

"No! I'm helping!" I yelled at him.

Then both boys sighed.

So we started attacking him. I nlng tried to jump small jumps then sometimes use the flying Raijin.

Obito laughed evilly. "I can sense a child's presence nearby." He said.

'How did he?' I thought.

"Let's see if the female Hokage can attack more!" He said while aiming for me. Then both boys stood in front of me the attacked him.

Then the 3 of us looked at each other and nodded.

We're going to use our most powerful power...

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