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The Ten Tails? Me being the first host? This is a big responsibility. I wonder.

"Kaori?" I heard dad call me.

"Hm?" I replied. Dad entered my room.

"You seem to be in deep thought." Dad said.

"Dad? Can... You tell me the story of how mom became the 9 Tails Jinchuriki?" I asked. Dad had a shocked face.

"How did you know?" He asked me.

"I saw mom in... Sage mode." I replied.

"Well... I don't know the whole story. What about visit you Grandma Kushina and Grandpa Minato?" Dad suggested. I nodded.

*at Kushina and Minato's house*


I was preparing me and Minato's lunch, until someone knocked.

"I got it!'' Minato said. I just smiled.

"Grandpa!" I heard Kaori.... KAORI!?!

I rushed to the door and saw Sasuke and Kaori. I gasped.

"Kaori!!" I said excitingly and hugged her and Sasuke.

"Sorry about that, Sasuke. Kushina missed Kaori so much." Minato said while scratching the back of his head.

"It's fine, dad." Sasuke reassured. Yup, since our daughter married Sasuke, we allowed him to call us what Naruto and Yuki call us.

"What about stay here for lunch? Yuki went to the Land of Earth to discuss something with Tsuchikage." I asked.

"Sure, Grandma." Kaori said happily.

"So, why the unexpected visit, Sasuke? Kaori?" I asked while i look at Sasuke and Kaori.

"Kaori wanted to ask something." Sasuke said. I looked over at Kaori.

"Kaori what is it?" Minato asked.

"Well... I just wanted to know the history of the Nine Tails. Ya know, the twin Nine Tails?" Kaori asked.

I had a shocked expression.

"Minato?" I asked. He had a worried face.

"I'll tell her. Don't worry." Minato said. I smiled.

"Okay." I replied.

"Kaori?" Minato gestured her to follow.

"Why did Kaori as asked that?" I asked Sasuke.

"A few days ago there was a meeting with the Kages. They needed me and Kaori. They explained about the Ten Tails' seal won't hold much longer." He explained.

"Ten Tails? That never existed." I said.

"But a relative of mine created it with a special chakra." He said.

"Before Yuki and I got married, there was an incident." He said then looked down.

"What incident?" Now I'm getting worried.

''Yuki and Naruto almost died. That night when the Ten Tails attacked. They were both got stabbed by the Ten Tails, just to protect us. But, she shared half of her reviving chakra to Naruto, well they lived." Sasuke explained.

"Just like what happened to me and Minato." I said. "But the Nine Tails was the one who stabbed us." I added.

"Oh." Was his reply.

"I'll wash the dishes now, how bout watch TV while waiting for Kaori?" I suggested. But I remembered something.

"Wait..." I said. Sasuke looked at me. "About what the Kages said." I added.

"They asked if Kaori will accept on what they decided that Naruto didn't vote on." He said.

"And that is?" I asked.

"Kaori becoming the first host of the Ten Tails." He said.

"Oh. That's good that- wait, First host?" Okay now I'm holding my anger.... And I can feel my hair floating.

"But they let Kaori decide whether she agrees or not." He said. Now, that calmed me down.

"Oh, okay. You can go wait in the living room now." I said as I clean up the table.

"Okay and thank you, mom." He thanked me.

"You're welcome, ya know." I said. Then he went to the living room.


I led Kaori to the park.

"So Grandpa? What's the story?" Kaori said cheerfully.

"The first Jinchuriki of the nine Tails was Lady Mito Uzumaki, a relative of your grandmother-" I was cutted off.

"Wait but mom and Uncle Naruto has The Nine Tails. How come the first Jinchuriki is just one?" She asked.

"I splitted the chakra of the Nine Tails." I explained.

"You can do that?" She asked.

'She reminds me of Yuki when I first met her and Naruto when Pein attacked the village.' I thought.

"Yup. With the Eight Signed Sealing." I said.

"Wow, cool." She said. I just smiled.

"Now back to the story...." I continued.

You're my one and only (Sasuke Uchiha and Yuki Uzumaki love story)Where stories live. Discover now