Mother and Father's sacrifice

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It's been months since the attack. Me and Jurdo are friends now. Jurdo's the name of the Ten Tails. Who knew right?

"Mom, I'm gonna go for a walk, okay?" I told mom.

"Sure, honey. Be back before dinner, and be careful." She said.

I went to the forest. It's so peaceful here in the village. Dad was training Boruto to become stronger than Uncle Naruto. I can't even believe that dad became his sensei.

'Wait' I thought.

I'm sensing a strong chakra nearby.

'Who could that be?' I questionly thought. I took a peek on who was it.

"That's..." I whispered to myself.

I saw some sort of cocoon-like capsule.

'Madara Uchiha.' I thought. 'I thought mom sealed him for good.' I added.

"I have to tell mom." I whispered to myself. I left a special kunai to the tree I'm hiding then I teleported back home.

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled.

"Kaori, what is it?" Dad rushed to my side.

"I-i saw Madara in the forest." I said to dad.

"What?!?!" Dad exclaimed.

"Yuki, he broke the seal." Dad said. Mom looked super worried.

"Kaori, go get your uncle and meet us at the war base." Mom instructed me.

"Okay, mom." I teleported to Uncle Naruto's home.


This can't be happening.

We went to the war base and ordered the ANBU for a meeting.

"Ninja, call Shikamaru and tell him it's urgent. Call the rest of the ninjas I know." I ordered.

"Yes, Lady Hokage." He said and left.

"I came here as fast as I can." I heard Naruto.

"He broke the seal. I guess I must've forgot to remove his eyes before sealing him." I explained while I rubbed my head.

"Lady Hokage. Don't worry, ninja explained. What can we do?" Shikamaru entered the room.

"Keep him out of the borders. He's just at the forest." Naruto ordered.

"Kaori, tell me you left a kunai there." I hopefully asked her.

"I left one at a tree, mom." She answered.

"Good." I layed a hand on her shoulder. She smiled.

"Let's move out." Shikamaru ordered the ninjas since he was the head. Me and Kaori went to each end of the group we're bringing. If only mom and dad was here, but they won't... For now. They're at The Hidden Wave Village.

"Kaori..." I called her. She looked at me. "Now!" We did hand signs.


Then we teleported everyone to where the kunai was.

"Lady Uchiha, your kunai." A ninja gave it the kunai to Kaori.

"Thank you." Kaori said. I smiled.

"The Shinobis of the Leaf. Hmm, how pathetic." Madara said. We were at our fighting stance.

"Before you attack, let me do this." He said he did hand signs.


His Susano'o was blue when Sasuke has violet. But his was powerful because it was complete while Sasuke had it complete.

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