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I'm so happy for my brother. HE ASKED HINATA TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND!! I'm really shipping them.

Any ways, Lady Tsunade called us. Said it was important.

*at the Hokage Residence*

We went to Lady Tsunade and she said, "Naruto, Yuki. I'm starting to feel old already, hehe. I want both of you to become Hokages. You, Naruto, will be the Seventh while your twin is Eighth."

We were shocked at this. Hokages?? We've been dreaming about this ever since... I dunno, a long time now.

"We will. We'll promise to protect the whole village." We both said at the same time. Lady Tsunade smiled at us.

We went out of the HR (Hokage Residence) and as we came out, the whole village cheered. Me and Menma just smiled.

"Hey, Menma, I'm gonna walk around the village." I told my brother.

"Sure, sis." He allowed me.

I was walking around the village until I saw Sasuke talking to Neji. Then he saw me, and finished their conversation, then approached me.

"Heard the news, you being the 8th Hokage." He said.

"T-thanks." Was all I said.

"Let's hangout sometime." After saying that he left.

'OK?' I thought

I went back home.

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