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Years passed. I became the Ninth Hokage. I want to promise mom to continue her duties. As for dad, I promised him to be powerful and protect the village.

"Hey couz." I heard Himawari called.

"Oh, hey Hima." I greeted back. "Watcha doin here?" I asked.

"Well, Boruto is head of ANBU and he went on a mission. So I thought to stop by here and head home to help mom." She said.

"Tell her I said hi, okay?" I said. She nodded.

"You're so busy. I mean, look at your desk, papers and your computer barely has room." She said.

"Hn." I responded. I inherited this from dad, hehe.

"Well better get going. See ya." She said.

"Okay, bye. Be careful." I said while waving.

It gets a little lonely though. Everytime I go home, no one would say 'Welcome Home'. I'm too lonely at home.

After work,I headed out to walk around the village. Nothing much changed, just a few buildings were added.

"Good afternoon, Lady Hokage." A group of kids greeted. I smiled.

"Good afternoon to you guys too." I greeted back.

Then I remembered Boruto coming home today. So I went to the village gates. Then I saw a familiar blond head.

"Hey Boruto!" I ran to him tackling him in a hug.

He chuckled.

"Hey couz, how's everything here? Been gone for two weeks now, ya know." He said

"Well nothing much happened. Just went to meetings and stuff." I said while we went to Ichiraku Ramen.

We ate the usual we always eat.

"Well Hima went on a C-rank mission, and came back mission complete." I said proudly.

"Well we are part of the Uzumaki, Namikaze, and you in the Uchiha clan." He said and gave me a grin. I laughed.

Remembering everything that happened, pained me a little.

I went home with my Flying Raijin.

I entered my home, and was greeted with a small hug.


"Hey Suke (sook-e)." I greeted my son.

Yup, I have a son, but the father? Nope. I named him with dad's last 4 letters of his Sasuke.

He looks so much like my dad and acts like him. I'm just worrying about him following my dad's life.

"Ready for your training?" I asked while removing my Hokage cape. He nodded.

"Okay let's go." We ran to the Uchiha training grounds. This brings back so much memories. Suke activated his Sharingan when he was 10. Earlier than me.

"Now show me what I've trained you." I said and created shadow clones.



He aimed at my shadow clones.

He threw kunais and sent some kicks some of my shadow clones were disappearing. I smirked.

I bit my thumb.


I summoned my wolf, Kasuga.

I saw my son's face, shocked. He smirked.

He bit his thumb.


He summoned his... Or maybe dad's Snake.

"Very good... Suke. And I'm proud of you." Then we let our summoned animals vanish. He came to me a hugged me.

'We're proud of you, Kaori.' I heard a voice... A familiar female and male voice.

"Uh.. Suke? What about head inside? Wait for me there?" He nodded.

"Mom? Dad?" I called out. They appeared. Then I hugged them.

"Hey Kaori." Dad said.

"Looks like Suke is grown to be like your father here, ya know." Mom said. I giggled.

"Well I did prayed." I gave a grin.

"Oh mom, dad? I have to head inside. Suke might get worried." I said.

"Go on ahead. We'll be with you." Mom said. I nodded then ran in.

I prepared dinner and later on prepare for bed.

"Night, Suke." I said.

"Night, mommy." He replied.

'Night mom, dad, and uncle Naruto.' I thoughtly greeted them.

Then I feel asleep.


I am now at my room... Doing nothing. It's basically the middle of the night. I can sense a familiar chakra at my door.

I went to my door and saw..... D-dad?

"Hey Boruto.. Lookey you, you're all grown up now." He said. I was about to cry then I gave him a huge hug.

"I missed you dad. I'm sorry for everything I've done... Really. I'm-" he cut me off.

"Hey, don't say that. Look, I'm proud of you. You're head of ANBU, I mean, I can't believe you worked do hard." He said.

"This is for our family dad. Kaori's Hokage too. And Himawari is the top ninja and mom she's super happy about our goals... Cousin and sibling goals." I grinned.

"Naruto? Our chakra's fading." I looked to who it is. It was Aunt Yuki and Uncle Sasuke.

"Auntie. Uncle." I said. They smiled.

"Before I go Boruto. Tell your sister in proud of her too. To your mom, I miss her so much." Then they faded.

"I will dad... Promise."


You're my one and only (Sasuke Uchiha and Yuki Uzumaki love story)Where stories live. Discover now