I'm Proud of you and Explain

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After everything that happened, the village. Yes, the WHOLE village insisted is to rest for a while. I forgot to mention my sister formed the new generation of Team 7. They're Boruto, Kaori, and Mitsuki. But their sensei, Konohamaru, suggested team Konohamaru. Well there goes my side.

I was walking home from the residence. I dropped off my sister then went home. As I entered home, I saw my little Himawari....... Angry.

"Dad? Do you now what time it is?" She asked while she was on her byakugan.

I looked at the wall clock... I-it's 9:15 pm. I face palmed.

"Dad, you promised you'll be home early." My daughter said.

Boruto was behind me shocked too. I know why he's also late getting home today. It's because he just got home from a mission.

"You too big brother?" She asked with a hint of anger.

"Oh no." Me and Boruto said at the same time.

Then Himawari punched me and Boruto. Okay for her age, she's really strong. Then Hinata saw us lying on the floor. She just giggled.

"Okay Himawari, Boruto, it's bed time." She said. Thank you Hinata!

"Night mom!" Both kids said. I just smiled at them.

"You okay, Naruto?" My wife asked.

"Yeah, just got punched by our daughter, yeah I'm fine." I said while grinning. Then I stood up. Then me and Hinata went to sleep.

*the next day*

I woke up, remembering what I was supposed to do. I went down stairs seeing my family eating now.

"Morning dad!" Himawari greeted.

"Morning." I greeted back.

I looked over Hinata, she smiled at me. I smiled back. I looked over Boruto, he's playing with his food.

"Good morning Boruto." I greeted. He looked up then down.

'It's time.' Kurama said.

"Boruto, come with me." I said while gesturing him to come.

He stood up then followed.

I brought him to me and Hinata's room.

"I wanted to give you something that you have to keep, no matter what." I told him.

"Huh? What is it dad?" He asked.

I pulled out a box. Then took my old clothes, the once I wore when I was Boruto's age.

"I want you to take this, these were once mine. I'm going to entrust you in keeping these. Can you promise that?" I asked him. I'm doing this because I know my son can be better than me, I know that.

I saw him tear- eyed.

Then he nodded. "I promise, dad." He said while grinning.

Then I took out his headband and I wore it on him. He was shocked.

"And... I'm proud of you" I said while I held out my fist. He bumped his fist on mine. Now we're in good terms.


The whole village told us to take s rest from being Hokage. So did mom and dad. Dad told me and Naruto to rest because of the sudden attack days ago.

And I almost forgot to ask something.

We were having breakfast.

"Kaori? Can you go to your room first? I have to talk to your father for a moment." I asked her. She nodded.

"Okay, mom." Then went to her room. Then I looked at Sasuke, giving him the explain-now face.

He took a deep breath.

"Remember the time I left the village?" He asked. I nodded. Well, not wanting to remember those years.

"I made a group with Karin and Suigetsu." He said. Wait, Karin?

"Wait... Karin is an Uzumaki. Do you know that?" I asked. She was part of the Uzumaki clan, in fact we're the only Lady Uzumakis left, include Hinata now. His expression was shocked.

"Karin is an Uzumaki? How come?'' He said.

"Every Uzumaki has red hair, ya know?" I explained.

"Every Uzumaki? Hn, how come Naruto isn't." He said jokely.

"Well basically he has most of the Namikaze bloodline include me. But I got mom's red hair and attitude." I said while scratching the back of my head.

"Back to explaining." I said seriously.

"They didn't know what my real plan is. Until Orochimaru came to the picture, I told him the fake plan. The one that I said I'm going to destroy the Leaf. But my real plan is to obtain Itachi's Sharingan. Then the Rinnegan." He explained.

I took a deep breath.

"Okay, I understand." I said calmly. Then he hugged me. I hugged back..

"I'll go get Kaori." I said. He nodded.

I stood up and went to Kaori's room.

As I opened her door I saw her trying to do the Flying Raijin.

"Kaori?" I asked. She jumped.

"Oh, mom, what is it?" She asked.

"You're trying to do the Flying Raijin, huh?" I said while I raised an eyebrow. She was about to speak but nodded. I smiled at her.

"Come on. I'll teach you." I gestured. She was happy.

"Can I join in the training?" I heard Sasuke asked. I giggled.

"Sure." I said.

Then we went off to the field. As we got there I saw my twin training his son with the Shadow Clone.

"Come on Boruto! I know you can do it." Naruto said encouragingly.

"Hey guys!" I greeted.

"Hey, sis." My brother greeted back.

"Hi Aunt Yuki." Boruto greeted back.

Then we trained next to them.

"Okay, Kaori. I'll lend you two of my special kunais." I said. She nodded.

"But..." I said. She had a confused face. "I want you to concentrate and teleport to where the two are." I added, then threw two kunais near a tree and near Sasuke.


Okay... Concentrate..

I remembered what mom said earlier before we left.


"Kaori?" Mom asked.

I looked at her.

"To teleport to the kunai, you have to teleport to where it is like making the shape of it in your mind." Mom told me what to do.

I nodded.

*end flashback*

I closed my eyes then I teleported near the tree.... Where the kunai is.

"Wow." I said. I took the kunai and placed it in my pouch. I looked at mom, she has her im-proud-of-you look.

'Okay, one more.' I thought.

I concentrated then I teleported beside dad. I took the kunai, ditto to what I did earlier. Yup I inherited, the "ya know" from mom and Grandma Kushina.

I looked at dad.

"I'm proud of you, Kaori. You did it." He smiled while giving me a smile. I was about to say something but I just grinned.

"YES! YOU DID IT BORUTO!" I heard Uncle screamed. We looked to their direction. Uncle Naruto was messing Boruto's hair. I laughed.

This was the best day ever.

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