Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"You go shower up and I'll call for pizza."  Samuel says between his fits of  laughed.  I make my way to the bathroom, turn on the water and instantly feel the coolness of the water as it cascades against my skin.  I feel the flour leak off my skin as the now warm water travels down my skin and into the drain.

I hop out of the shower and notice my skin is slightly paler then before I hopped in the shower.  I shrug it off as the only chance that anyone will notice is if they're millimetres away from my skin.  I go down the lounge and see 20 dollars sitting on the table and no sight of Samuel.  I walk into the kitchen area and find a mop and a bucket.  The floor shines clean and the benches only slightly resemble that flour was just spilled all over them.

I hear a knock at the door and grab the twenty dollars.  I open the door to see a surprised Jason standing there with two pizza boxes in his hand.  "Hey...Um that'll be $16.50" He says in a professional tone. 

"Okay then.  I didn't know you were a delivery boy."   I say as I hand over the $20 note.

"Here's your $3.50 change."  He puts his hand out with the change in it.

"Keep it. We don't need it.  We really don't need it."  I stress while gesturing inside to the luxurious house - their luxurious house?

"Thank you sir.  Have a great night."  He takes the tip and makes his way back towards his car. 

"Wait!"  I call after him as I make my way to him and place my hand on his shoulder. "Why are you being so weird?"  I query as he avoids my gaze.

"I don't know what you're on about sir."  He replies as he keeps his familiar blank face on. "Did I do something?"  I ask as curiosity starts flowing through my veins.

"It's just that...Ughh...You wouldn't understand."  He says in frustration as he starts walking off.

"Understand what?"  I shout loud enough so to make him pause in his tracks.

"Being poor!"  He yells as he storms off into his car.

I make my way back inside and shut the door as Samuel comes down the hallway and into the dining room. 

"Was that screaming I heard?"  He ask as I sighs in frustration. 

"What's wrong?"  He asks sceptically as he notices my sigh. 

"So hungry!!"  I fake as I rub my stomach.

We eat pizza as we scrolled through the T.V. guide.

"Titanic!"  He shouts in defiance.

"10 Things I hate about you!"  I argue back.

"TITANIC!"  He shouts while raising his voice.

"10! Things! I! Hate! About! You!"  I say as I exaggerate each word.

"There's only one way to settle this don't you think?" He states as he looks at me to see me nodding my head in agreement.

"Paper, scissors, rock."  Our nerves both getting the best of us as we both place our fists first.  I breath out a sigh of concentration and then we're at it again.  "Paper, scissors, rock." I frown in defeat when I see his hand open and my hand close. 

"Titanic it is!"  He shouts in victory.  It's a nice movie but unfortunately I fall asleep when they're all floating in the water.  I wake up in the morning, on the ground with a sore back and find my head on Samuel's leg.

I get up, stretch and look at the clock above the T.V.  

"WAKE UP!"  I shout as I read 8:00.


"Morning."   I say to Freddy as I sit beside him, still slightly panting from having to run to school.

"Good morning."  He replies back with a cherry response.  I look at him blankly.

"Nope.  Just morning."  I say as I arch my back trying to loosen it.

"What happened to you.  It looks like you were murdered."  I wince in pain as my back cracks and then a sensation flows down my spine.

"I slept rough last night."  I say truthfully.  The floor, and Samuel's legs, are definitely not comfortable.

"Oh poor you."  Freddy says in a sympathetic tone.

I see Jason enter the room and go to his table which is empty accept for him. "Hey." I say as I sit down. 

"Hey."  He replies as he looks down at the table, almost as if he's ashamed.  "I'm sorry about last night."  He looks at me and happily smiles.

"It's fine.   Um come sit with me and Freddy."  I gesture over to Freddy who waves back. He follows me to my table with ease.


Hey guys what'd you think of the chapter :3 Do you like Jason? Do you not like Jason? Do you not like anyone? Tell me :)


Date edited:  14/2/16  6:59 pm


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