Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Me and Jason sit on the beach as the others get out and start coming towards us. 

"Okay guys! We have a very important decision to make!" Jason announces as the others start to dry off, drawing all our eyes towards him as he grins mischievously. 

"Okay; what is it?"  Samuel asks. 

"Italian or Mexican?" Jason asks as we all think about the very serious question. 

"Italian."  Freddy contributes his answer which is met by a nod from Jason and Danny. 

"I want Mexican."  I sigh as I think about the sweet and sour cream contrasting against the mince.  Mmmmm , I mentally groan as I picture my silent delight. 

"Same."  Samuel agrees with me as I feel happiness surge through me. 

"Okay you guys go and get Mexican and we'll meet at the park okay?"  Danny announced as me and Samuel start making our way to the Mexican takeaways.


"I'll have 10 enchiladas please."  I ask as the lady at the desk types in my order.  I shifted away as she calls for the next in line and Samuel steps forwards. 

"Hi um I'll have 3 tamales."  He gives his order and picks a vegetarian tamale...yum...I didn't know he's vegetarian.  The best part of a tamale is the meat...but to each their own. 

We walk out of the door with our food  and make our way to the park. The scent drifting from Samuel's tamales hurts my nose and gives off a fowl odour. "Are you sure you ordered the right meal?"  I ask in concern as I try to wave the stench away with my hand. 

"Yeah I have tamarindo all the time."  He confirms as I look at him suspiciously. 

"Don't you mean tamales?"  I question as a blush spreads across his face.  

"That's what I said."  Before I can respond anymore we cross the road and are making our way to the park.  The others are already there and I can identify two pizzas and a take out of pasta.

"Hey guys."  I greet as we got closer and then turn around eagerly awaiting to eat. "You can eat without us."  I remind them as they wait politely for us. 

"We were being nice.  Well okay let's dig in." Jason says as his hunger takes over and he starts stuffing pasta into his mouth.

I take my container out of my brown bag and go to heaven when the scent of my enchiladas greets my nose.  I'm brought back to reality when the scent of Samuel's tamales announce their presence by stabbing my senses.  

"Enjoy."  I direct to Samuel as I start eating one of my enchiladas. 

"Yum. I love my tacuarines."  Samuel tells us as he puts one in his mouth and starts gagging straight away.

"First of all tamales and secondly do you even eat Mexican?"  I ask in suspicion as he bows his head. 

"Not really."  He admits.

"Here - have half of my enchiladas, they're much better."  He gives me a little smirk before grabbing one and eating it, smiling instantly. 


Me and Samuel start walking home as clouds clog the sky and water slowly begins to fall down. At first spitting and then turning into full on rain.  Samuel's white shirt that he's wearing starts clinging to him as my own blue shirt started sagging due to the amount of water. 

"I bet I could beat you home."  Samuel announces proudly as he turns around with a smile on his face. 

"Pfffttt sure."  I say in doubt as I notice his tight denim shorts clinging to his body.

"Oh you think you can win?" He asks confidently.

"No. I know I can win!"  I announce as I start sprinting down the footpath.  

"OH YOU WISH!"  Samuel yells as he starts running after me.  The denim jeans doing nothing to slow him down. I felt him gaining on me as my heart forces me to keep going.  I feel him come beside me and force my legs to go faster.  I move myself to the left and manage to bump him slightly but he still keeps himself steady as we continue on.  I look over to my opponent and see a tan mark covering the sleeve of his shirt.  I look down in panic and my fears are confirmed when I see my pale skin peaking through.

I start running faster and soon found the extra power to pass Samuel.  I sprint through the front door and look back to see Samuel with still about 20meters to go.  I sprint upstairs and instantly start the shower - I look in the mirror and notice my hair losing its straightness and going back to its curly self.  I breathe a sigh of relief as I hop under the water and feel my stress go away.  I have to be more careful, I think to myself.

And then I hear a knock on my door.


Hello.  Did you like the chapter?  Did you like how they ran?  Did you like the pizza?  Leave feedback to the side :)


Date edited: 18/2/17  7:15 pm


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