Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Samuel's P.O.V

"Where are you going Nathan?" I asked in a frustrated tone. His eyes shook as he stammered towards the doorway, the held back tears threatening to flow from his eyes.

I watched as he retreated to the doorway and walked out. My anger flowed through me and my whole body started tensing, the can in my hand burst and the contents inside started spilling out. I watched as the drops of beer hit the floor and the memory of me pouring the beer onto Mercu... Nathan's arm flooded my mind. "Shit!" I sighed in anger.

I dropped the can and made my way out of the room and down the hallway. As soon as I stepped into the lounge I was swarmed by multiple dancing bodies, all clogging the paths to get out. I searched the crowd as I looked for Nathan. I growled after minutes of searching and no results.

I pushed my way through the crowd and into the kitchen, I saw Danny sitting on the kitchen island talking to Freddy. "Guys. Have yous seen Nathan?" I asked in urgency. "Uh yeah I saw him as he was leaving. I think someone poked him in the eyes because his eyes were really red." Danny said over the loud music booming over the music. "Uh Danny I'm really sorry but I have to get home, I just remembered my parents were coming back tonight and they said we weren't allowed to go to any parties." I lied.

I said my goodbyes and I pushed through the bodies of people to get to the front door. I rushed to my car and broke a few laws as I sped home.


"NATHAN!" I called as I entered through the front door. "NATHAN!" I called again as I started making my way upstairs. I walked down his hallway and pushed open his door.

He wasn't there.

I made my way to his drawers and my heart sunk when I found no clothes in them. I walked to his wardrobe and yanked the door open, I searched his room and the only thing that symbolized that he'd even been here was the messy bed.

I walked to his ensuite and pushed open the door. I wasn't exactly looking for anything as I scanned the shelves but 2 things caught my eyes. I grabbed his tanning cream and read the instructions.

"Please use every 2-3 days to maintain tan skin." It said as I read. I picked up his shampoo, actually his hair straightening shampoo. I sighed as I placed them back in their spots as to not destroy the order that they'd been placed in.

I exited Nathan's room as I clenched my teeth together. "NATHAN ARE YOU HERE?" I screamed once again as my low hopes of finding him shriveled away.

A yellow post-it note caught my eyes as I made my way into the lounge. I made my way to the table where it was stuck and picked it up.

"Dear Samuel, I've gone home." It said. I scratched my head in puzzlement as this was his home and he's not here so where else could he live.

"I've got it." I said as I started walking to the kitchen. I picked up the landline and dialed the familiar cellphone number that I've dialed many times. I waited 3 beeps before she finally picked up.

"Hello this is Catherine Cooper how may I help you?" I breathed a sigh of relief as my torture was ended when my mother picked up.

"Hey mum it's me I have a question."

"Oh Samuel honey, you should've said it was you, It could've been anyone. Okay what's your problem? I hope the house is alright." She replied in a stern tone.

"Yes mum the house is fine, I just wanted to know if you know where Nathan used to live, I mean Mercury."

"Oh of course I know where Nathan used to live, he lived on 49 Glassberry road."

"Oh okay thanks. Mum how do you know who Nathan is?" I asked in confusion.

"Well it would be quite silly if I didn't know my own son." She replied like it was obvious.

"No mum I mean how do you know that Mercury's name is Nathan."

"Oh well he told me I guess... No that's not true; I was his mothers best friend; I think I'd recognize if she had a son, and I did. She would've told me his name when we were on the phone probably."

"Oh okay, thanks mum I have to go now." I replied in a hurried tone.

"Oh okay, but before you go there's a few things. Don't burn down the house. Clean your room. Vacuum the lounge. Do your laundry. Hand in your history assignment. And most importantly, tell Nathan I love him. And I love you too."

"Thank mum and okay. Bye." I hung up the phone and started sprinting out the front door.


Hello guys. So I actually have an announcement. There is only a few chapters left of the book. But don't worry I'm already writing the second book :)



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