Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I rush to Samuel's side, ensuring to look both ways across the street before I rush across.

"What do you mean you killed Nathan Jones?"  I ask, for myself then him.  It's not everyday that you get to hear the story about how someone has killed you.  We walk across another zebra crossing and make our way onto the school pathway as the school comes into view.  He stops at the beginning of the footpath, he turns slowly to look at me - a fire of emotions in his eyes, sadness, anger, confusion.

"It was the Thursday two weeks ago." He starts, his mind drifts off  with his memory. "I remember standing there. We were all standing there just waiting for him to come to his locker. The bell rang and he finally arrived. I wasn't the one who planned it but the whole year knew what was happening but no one told the teachers."  I flash back to the memory myself, and only now looking back, do I realise that I did not in fact see any teachers on that horrific day. "He finally came.  And you should of seen his face when he read his locker...I...I...wanted to help him so bad but I couldn't because everybody was watching.  I grabbed his shoulder but he...he just....he glared at me, so I glared back and let him go.  I shouldn't have let him go.  He left shortly afterwards. No one knows exactly how he died. But there was an article in the paper that said Jones Dead.  And we all knew who Jones was.  Someone burned all the papers in the town, it's a mystery like we all feel bad now that he's not here - but I shouldn't be."  Samuel starts walking off as I stand there in utter disbelief, he's such a dumbass he really should've read the whole article.  I didn't put my aunty's photo in the paper because she hated photos and I concealed her name because she hated when people talked about her, using obscure pronouns like they/them - it's perfect for her.  Exactly how she would've liked to be remembered. 


I make my way through the hallways toward my locker, I already know my schedule seeing as it hasn't changed - and right now I have biology.  I stand before my locker and notice the plain blue door.  The slurs physically gone; but I can still see it.  'Nathan the fag'  is still there - expect I'm the only one who can see it.

I search through my locker as someone makes their way beside me.

"Hey."  Danny calls out as he grins at me, his grin changing my mood ever so slightly. 


"What do you have?"  He questions as students make their way around us. 

"Ughh...Biology I think."  I know my schedule but not 100%. Well find out in 3 minutes if I don't know it, because if I walk into the wrong class...then I obviously don't know it well enough.

"Oh cool.  We dissected frogs last week and Connor Earls fainted."   He recalls as he looks away and wipes a fake tear from his eye. 

"What do you have?" I ask, trying to make a flow of casual conversation as students start making their way to their classes. Relief fills me when I see students from my biology class gathering around the classroom door.  I recognize them all but none of them recognize me - some people are even staring at me, Mercury not Nathan.

"Graphics and then P.E."  He responds.

"Oh I have P.E. next as well."  I answer.  Before my aunty's death I skipped every single P.E class that we've ever had - being gay in a room filled with half naked masculine heterosexuals, no thank you.  

 "So does Samuel..I guess we'll see you there."   He flicks me some finger guns and starts walking away.

The bell rings and I make my way into the classroom where Mrs Isla's speaking - I prepare for a boring less, she's the epitome of a textbook teacher who copies word by word from one of the exercise books that the school makes us buy ourselves.  "Okay class please turn to page 183."

I walk to a side desk and pull a textbook out of my bag.  As I sit down and start turning the pages, a kid with ginger hair comes and sits beside me.  Giving a light smile before turning over his page.  Maybe he's new, because I've only been gone for a couple of weeks and I've never seen him before - to be fair, I've never really looked at my class before so he could've just been hiding in the corner this whole time. 

About 10 minutes till the end of the period he turns his head to me.  "Hello. I'm Freddy." He blushes as I look at him, scanning his thin body up and down.  His curly red hair mirrors the colour raging across his cheeks.

"Mercury."  I reply back, my voice a tad hoarse from not speaking.  Happy kid I think silently.


I make my way to the gym.  Freddy following close behind, he's also going to P.E, poor him.  We walk down the long hallways towards the gym while he talks about the weather.  But not in an awkward way, more in a pleasurable way, like he loves talking about it.  Our conversation stops when he sees Samuel walk into the changing rooms, his cute blush fading from his face and turning him pale. 

"Let's go."   I say as we make our way into the changing rooms.  It's definitely not a situation I'm familiar with, the changing rooms aren't my typical hang out place - it's almost like a foreign country.  As I walk in B.O. instantly enters through my nostrils.  Danny walks up to me and Freddy as we make our way to a bench. 

"Hey."  He says while he slides his shirt over off, his tan abs the only thing I want to say hello to, 

"Hey."  I reply unlike Freddy who shies away, before walking to a cubby and starts to change into his uniform.  Freddy takes off his shorts and Danny smacked his ass - a heterosexual slap.  Somehow straight guys can do it but I can't.

"Nice".  Danny winks at Freddy as his familiar blush comes back, I'm not sure if Danny is openly flirting or lightheartedly joking.  "Anyways we're doing track and field so I gotta go get changed." He said as he drifts off backwards.

"Lets do this." I say to Freddy with a sarcastic cheer as we both finish getting changed.


Hey guys.  What do you think of Freddy? And did you like the chapter?


Thanks :-)

Date edited: 11/2/18 10:29 pm


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