Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The five minute drive to Target zooms past, the car coming to a halt in front of the giant convenience store - an easier drive then my old neighbourhood.  They say money can't buy happiness, but it can definitely buy convenience.

"Do you need any money?  Because it's not a problem if you do.  You're family now, so don't you ever be shy to ask me for anything."  Catherine asks as I turn to look at her, something I would prefer to be a rare occasion.  It's not that she's ugly, I'm just extremely awkward. 

"Um no thank you.  My Aunty left me money on her debit card."  I say softly while gesturing to the card in my hand, a weird tingling sensation surges through my veins - so this is how rich people feel. 

"Well.  If you need any money, just come and get me.  I need a few things from here as well."

Seeing a few kids from school, I instinctively pull my hoodie over my head - my material camouflage unable to hide my awkward shuffle past them to the start of the beauty aisle.

I slide a box of blond hair dye next to my Palmolive hair straightening shampoo before walking into the beauty aisle - striking the jackpot for my end goal.  Bright blue eye contacts stand out on the shelf, enticingly distinguishing themselves from the other similar packets - a simultaneous contrast against my own bland brown eyes.

With my products in hand, I walk towards the self checkout, almost missing the self tanning creams and herbal moisturisers.  With my abundance of beauty products, I scan them through the machine, the curious eyes of the supervisor watching as I gather up all of the products into a carry bag.

"Have a good day."  I politely nod in acknowledgement, feeling his eyes on my back as I finally exit the store - the glass sliding establishing somewhat of a barrier - an inconveniently translucent barrier at that.

I walk out into the carpark and slip into the car, reading the descriptions on the products while I wait patiently.  Catherine slips back into the car, a brown Body Shop bag in hand.  I remember when I bought a body butter there, that's $55 I'll never get back.

 "Wow, you were fast!"  Being the nosey person I am, I look into her bag while she pulls her seatbelt on - multiple bath bombs, body scrubs, moisturisers and scented candles present.  A smile makes my way onto my face as I observe a lady with fine taste in skincare and her purchases.

"Oh they're not for me Mercury.  Don't worry.  They're for my son.  He likes to relax after his football camps which he gets back from tomorrow."  I start to smile and then eventually break out into a laugh. 

Samuel Connor, star of our school's football team, the great sex magnet himself, enjoys a bubble bath in the weekend?  Quite a contrast to the appearance that the epitome of masculinity puts up.


Following Catherine through the hallway, I split off and make my way upstairs to my bedroom, pausing in my tracks as her angelic voice reaches my air.

"Nathan...I mean Mercury!  Sorry!  Dinner will be ready in about 1 hour.  I will call you when it's done." 

"Okay."  I murmur in response, heaving my bag up the stairs and into my room.  Kicking off my shoes I walk into my ensuite and begin the transformation - goodbye Nathan.  

I mix the dye with water and start to shake it in the bottle - the vigorous shaking tiring my small excuses of biceps out.  Pulling my plastic gloves on, I gulp in preparation, the blond, murky liquid swishing in the bottle. 

My bouncy brown locks scream at me, the chemically artificial blond colour trapped in the bottle, shimmering in the fluorescent bathroom light.  Saying goodbye to the brown beauty that has lay amuck on top of my head for 17 whole years, I slowly slither my hands through my locks.  Each stroke laying the fair dye over my my head.

After completion, I sit down - 30 minutes passing excruciatingly slowly before I can finally hop into the shower.  The warm water trickles over my body, washing away the mixture of hair dye and Palmolive hair straightening shampoo - its lavender scent irritating my nose slightly.

I step out of the shower and start to dry myself off, the towel wrapping around my waist - hiding away my modesty.  My eyes bulge at the blond flames radiating on top of my hair, stealing my breath as my fingers massage softly through it - the once tangled curls unmatched against the effortlessly straight blond hairs.

The shining colour drains me out, clashing against my sun-missed skin - my pale complexion a disservice to my new beaming hair.


"Mercury!  Dinner's ready."  Catherine shouts as I make my way to my door, my eyes still unable to leave my hair.  "Well you've been busy."  She pauses in her tracks, a casserole in both of her hands.
"I love the colour."  She winks, flicking her own blond hair over her shoulder - its silkiness evident in its natural flow.

"Wow.  We're basically twins."  I prod humorously - a blush spreading across her cheeks as she carries the casserole into the dining room.

"Oh Merury!  You haven't meet my husband yet, you're going to love him - I do!  Honey, dinner's ready." 

"Coming."  A reply booms from the lounge.


Now that I actually look at the plot of book, I cringe tbh - especially at this whole excuse for a character transformation.  I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I personally found it a tad strenuous.

Date edited: 11/08/2020


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