Chapter 2

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"Um who are you?" I pushed his hand away and looked down at the shattered glass in front of my feet. "Fuck." I mumbled as I heard a chuckle come from the mysterious boy standing in front of me.

"You might wanna clean that up babe." His smirk was so arrogant and I wanted to smack him.

"Um you're the one who came in here and scared the shit out of me so you can grab the broom from beside the fridge and clean the glass up. Thank you." I turned to grab another glass and maneuvered around the broken glass to get to the fridge. I grabbed the iced tea and closed the fridge. I set the glass and the iced tea on the counter when I was roughly turned around and pushed against the counter by a body. I looked up into a pair of angry brown eyes.

"Don't tell me what to do princess." His face was so close to mine, I could feel his breath fan across my cheek.

"And why not?" I smirked up at him and he grabbed a hold of my waist lifting me up to sit on the counter. He stood in between my legs and held eye contact. Our faces were level now with me being on the counter.

"Feisty, huh?" His eyes held some anger still.

"I don't know. I think I just don't like your attitude." His lips turned up into a smirk as his hand gripped my thigh.

"I sure like yours though, princess." His face got closer to my ear as he said this. He nuzzled his nose in the crease of my neck before he pushed my head to the side. His mouth moved up to my ear and he mumbled, "I'm saving you for later." And he grab the broom from next to the fridge and moved from in between my legs. He began sweeping up the glass and I sat there baffled. I stared at his back with my mouth agape, again.

"You did- what just- what the actual fuck?" I couldn't get a full sentence out and he just chuckled at me.

"A thank you would suffice, ya know."

Sam walked in with a confused look on his face. "What's going on here?" His eyes went from me to the mystery boy and back to me. "Why are you on the counter all flustered and why is Ash cleaning up glass?"

I just looked at him and didn't know what to say but mystery boy did.

"I startled her and she dropped a glass so I threw her on the counter so she wouldn't step in the glass and now I'm cleaning it up." He smiled at Sam and then continued sweeping. Sam then looked at me to confirm what he just said.

"You know me, easily startled." I faked a laugh and Sam just gave me a look and walked out of the kitchen.

"You still haven't told me who you are." I looked at him and he just smirked.

"Well since you will be screaming it later, my name is Ash and I'm Layla's brother."

"Like Ash from Pokemon?" I smiled ignoring his comment about screaming his name.

"Ha ha. No. It's Ashton, Ash for short, princess." He looked unamused with me as he scooped up the glass with the dust pan.

"I think I remember you from high school. You were a year ahead and you always hung around with Sam's brother. And you always got into some kind of trouble." I chuckled at the thought of the senior prank he had pulled. "Like that senior prank when you covered the principle's office in bubble wrap." I was laughing now. Ash just stared at me as I laughed, covering my mouth and squinting my eyes. "He was so mad. I remember him running down the hall screaming your name. Oh god that was hilarious."
Before I knew it, he was back between my legs holding my waist with his face mere inches from mine. My laughing subsided as I gasped at the proximity.

"You remember all that?" He looked surprised.

"Yeah." I whispered, still surprised at how close his face was to mine and it seemed to be getting closer. His eyes flicked down to my lips and back up. He licked his lips, distracting me as I stared at his lips.

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