Chapter 6

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Ashton's Pov

Jesus fuck, those thighs. Sydney knew what she was doing to me. She is killing me and I don't think she realizes how bad. She was currently washing up the dished from breakfast and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I stared a lot in high school too but I was always scared to talk to her. She never acknowledged me so I didn't think she wanted to know me. When I saw her here yesterday, I didn't know how to react. She never really left my head for the past 3 years.

I heard the water turn off and averted my eyes from Sydney's ass to her face. She had a towel in her hand, drying them. I smiled cheekily at her and she smiled back just as cheeky.

"What are you doing today?" She asked as she began drying the dishes she just washed.

"I don't really have plans other than showering and getting rid of this headache."

"Here." She stopped drying and opened the cupboard above the sink. She pulled out a bottle of advil and poured two into her hand. "Take these and keep drinking water. It should be gone in no time." She also grabbed me a glass of water before she continued to dry the dishes.

I took the advil and drank the glass of water. I got up to fill it up again and stood in front of the sink next to Syd. She was humming some tune. "What are you humming princess?"

"Uh I'm not sure. I heard Sam's brother's band playing it the other day and it has been stuck in my head since." She continued humming before it turned to singing. Her voice wasn't the best but it was like heaven to my ears.

"Even when the sky is falling down, even when the earth is crumbling round my feet. Even when we try to say goodbye and you can cut the tension with a knife in here." She sang as I stared at the side of her face. My eyes were probably full of adoration as she sang the lyrics to this song that I would love to hear this band play for myself. "And if we fall it's not your fault. Shadows covering our selfish foes. And as our love, can go out on a high note."

"You must have heard them play that a lot if you know the words that well." I chuckled as her cheeks blushed a bit.

"I like listening to them practice. It's quite funny when Michael breaks a string and goes on a rant about how they need to make guitar strings stronger and more durable." She giggles and my chest feels heavy with jealousy.

"Who's Michael?" I ask a bit harshly and cough to cover it up but it doesn't work. Sydney frowns but answers my question anyway.

"He's Sam's brother." She fiddles with her thumbs and I scold myself for getting jealous and making her nervous.

"I would really like to hear this band of his. They sound pretty good coming from your mouth." I smile to ease the nervousness rolling off her body. She smiles back and claps her hands.

"They have practice at three today. We can go check them out. I always bring them frozen yogurt on Sunday practices." Her excitement is extremely cute as she explains the band to me. We sit in the kitchen for almost an hour as she tells me stories of when Michael had first started the band. And to be honest, I wasn't exactly listening to everything she was saying. Her lips were very distracting as she talked.

"I'm gonna hop in the shower. It's almost two." She said as she yawned and stood up from the stool. "Uh is your headache gone 'cause practices get quite loud when Luke is in a good mood. And he seemed very excited when I told him you were coming."

"Yeah, don't worry princess. It's gone." I smile at her and got up to follow her to her bedroom. She looked confused but giggled as I plopped onto her bed.

"You can shower after I'm done." She was grabbing clothes from her dresser and the towel hanging on the back of her door.

"Or I can just join you." I smirked as she gasped and tried to cover it with a cough. Her cheeks were red and she closed the door as I began to chuckle at her reaction.

I rolled on to my back and reached to grab my phone from my pants. I forgot I wasn't wearing my jeans so I got up to find them. As I bent down to grab them, the door opened. I turned to see Sydney just in a towel. I dropped the jeans in my hand as she just stood there holding the towel over her naked body.

"I forgot to grab panties." She said as she walked towards her dresser. I couldn't keep my eyes off of the short white towel. I imagined ripping it off of her multiple times before she even grabbed a pair of lacy panties from her drawer. I was probably drooling as she closed the door again.

"Jesus. She's going to kill me." I mumbled to my self as I grabbed my jeans off the floor again and fished through the pockets for my phone. It fell from the jeans when I held them upside down and hit the floor. I picked it up and turned the screen on to see a few texts from my mom asking if I was okay and to call her. I dialed her number and sat on the bed.

"Honey! Thank god you're alive!" She yelled into the phone and I had to pull it away from my ear.

"What if this was someone calling you from my phone to tell you I was dead, mom?" I held my laughter back as she sighed.

"Shut it before I crawl through this phone and smack you."

"Geez, you sound like Sydney." I mumbled.

"What was that honey?"

"Nothing. Uh sorry I didn't call or text you. I was a little busy." I smirked to myself.

"That's fine hun. Will you be home for dinner? Harry wants breakfast." I chuckled at my brother's demand for breakfast dinner every Sunday.

"Umm.. I don't think so." I told her as the door opened to reveal Sydney in that damn towel again. But this time her hair was wet and hanging down her back. Droplets of water were running down her shoulders to her arms making her seem like she was glowing. She smirked at me before throwing her clean clothes she had brought to the bathroom with her on the bed next to me.

"Who is that?" She mouthed as her fingers played with the collar of my shirt.

"My mom." I mouthed back as she moved to stand between my legs. I sucked in a harsh breath.

"Honey, you still there?" My mom asked.

"Uh yeah, sorry. What were you saying?" Sydney had moved her hands to the bottom of my shirt and stuck her one hand under to rest on my stomach.

"Are you going to be home tonight or are you staying out again?"

"I won't be home tonight. I'm going to see a band with a girl from high school. But I will be home tomorrow. I'll get Harry and Lauren from school." I said as quick as possible to get off the phone quicker.

"Oooh and who is this girl from high school?" She asked in a teasing tone.

"Well her name is Sydney but you may know her as Banana. But she is pretty great and I'm very happy that we reconnected because I think she is just about the best thing to happen to me since high school even if it's only been a few days." I made sure to keep eye contact with her as I told my mom about her. Her cheeks turned crimson and she covered her face with her hands.

Once I hung up the phone, her lips were on mine and we were almost late to practice with the frozen yogurt.

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