Chapter 1

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"Hey Banana do you think you can grab the clothes out of the dryer for me?" My roommate asked as he thumbed through his novel he was supposed to have read two weeks ago for his lit class.

"Ya know I actually hate that nickname." I said as I grabbed his basket and went to open the door, "I'm gonna start calling you Sammy now." I slammed the door shut and walked down the hall to the laundry room of my apartment complex. I went to the dryer and grabbed his clothes and I thought I would be nice and fold them for Sam. As I was folding them a pair of lacy panties fell to the ground. "What the.."
They weren't mine so Sam had to have had a girl in the apartment recently. I forgot about folding the rest of them as I just threw them in the basket and picked it up. I carried it back to the apartment and yelled for Sam to open up the door.
"You are not calling me Sa-" he cut himself off as I held the pair of panties up in one hand.
"Explain. Now."
Sam normally told me everything that went on in his life. I'm his best friend so why didn't he tell me about this?
"Uh ya see," he was scratching the back of his neck, "I didn't want to tell you because you aren't quite fond of her and I'm so sorry. I should have just told you." His face was full of guilt but he didn't give me what I wanted. I pushed him out of the door frame and walked past him, throwing his basket on the coffee table and turning towards him with my hands on my hips.
"So I don't like this girl? Who is she?" He looked scared to even say her name.
"Layla.." He mumbled and as soon as he finished my blood was boiling.
"Layla Irwin of all fucking people Sam? Seriously?" I was surprised at how calm my voice was seeing as I was screaming on the inside.
"Banana, listen."
"Don't call me that." He cowered away as I gave him a stern look.
"She's not the same Layla we knew in high school for gods sake. She grew up and I'm quite possibly in love with her and I can't lose you because of her and I can't lose her because of you." His face was in pain, he didn't want to be torn between her and I. And I didn't blame him.
"I don't want to see her in this apartment ever." I stormed off into my room. After I slammed the door ad knocked a picture from off the wall, breaking it, I blared some The Front Bottoms as I pouted on my bed. All I wanted to do was tease him for having a girl in the apartment, not find out he was hooking up and quite possibly in love with my sworn enemy.

A few hours later I turned my music down and heard shouting coming from the living room. It was Sam and a voice I never wanted to hear in my life ever again. I slowly opened my door and saw them standing in the living room screaming at each other. I couldn't understand what they were saying because they kept screaming over each other. I walked towards the living room and neither of them had noticed me yet.
"Guys," I said softly at first.
"Guys," I screamed this time to get their attention. They both stopped and stared at me and then turned back to start screaming until it clicked that it was me in the room. Sam's face went white and Layla just looked me up and down with her mouth agape.
"Banana I'm so sorry. She just showed up. I told her not to come and she didn't listen. I know you don't wan-"
"Shut up." I snarled as I locked eyes with Layla. Her eyes were still the same crystal blue they had been back in high school, except she had a lot less makeup around them. Her hair was back to it's natural blonde unlike the bleached blondes she had in high school.
"Banana? Is that really you?" She looked surprised.
"Why are you surprised?" I rolled my eyes as she stood there staring at me.
"You look so different. Your hair is gone and it's purple. And you have like negative two ounces of chub on you. Holy shit. This is like a slap to the face. I really shouldn't have been so cruel to you in high school. You're freakin hot now." Her face was in utter shock.
"Uh, what am I supposed to say to that?" I looked puzzled over to Sam who was smiling an evil smile.
"Don't say anything. Honestly. I'm so sorry for treating you the way I did in high school. You definitely got payback, making me feel like shit about it." Layla smiled a sad smile as she watched my face go from anger to slight happiness.
"Well I'm glad I'm the one making you feel like shit this time." Sam looked at me and his smile dropped.
"I see the nickname stuck, huh?" Layla had a euphoric look on her face.
"I fucking hate it. No one knows my real name on campus. Even the teachers call me banana." I chuckled along with Layla at the stupidity of my nick name.
Sam started calling me Banana in second grade when we first became friends because I always had a banana in my lunch box. They were, and still are to this day, my favorite fruit. But once Sam started calling me Banana so did my parents and then everyone at school and it just stuck. I don't remember the last time someone called me by my real name.
Sam joined in on the laughter but it soon stopped as someone's phone began to ring.
"Oh sorry that's me." Layla pulled her phone from her purse and grunted as she looked at the screen. She answered with an annoyed tone as she walked into Sam's bedroom. Sam walked towards me and wrapped his arms around my head, smothering my face into his boney chest.
"I'm sorry she came here. I can make her leave if you want." I could feel his voice vibrate through his chest and it tickled my nose.
"No, it's okay." I mumbled into his chest but I wasn't quite sure he heard me so I moved my face and repeated myself.
"Are you sure?" He looked down at me with a sympathetic smile.
"Yes. You were right, she has changed and so have I. I can forgive her for what she did in high school but if she breaks your heart I'm gonna have to kill her." I felt his chortle in his chest more than I heard it.
"You've always been so aggressive." I laughed as I squeezed my way out of his tight hold on my head.
"Order some Chinese, I'm starving." I yelled as I walked towards my room to grab my phone.
"How about you order!" He yelled back.
"I'll order Banana, don't worry." I jumped at the sound of Layla's voice but laughed it off.
"Um thanks. I want sweat and sour please." She smiled as she walked towards the kitchen where Sam currently was with the menu in his hands.
I closed my door to give them some alone time and I'm hoping they don't end up making out in the kitchen. I shivered at the thought of that.
I grabbed my phone off the charger on my night stand and unlocked it. I had a missed call from a number I didn't know so I just ignored it and went to text my dad.
"Sam is bringing people from the past around and idk how I feel about it."
I then sent the same text to my mom but expected a text back from my dad more than her. We weren't on good terms since I moved in with Sam. She hated the fact that I was going to be living with a boy even though we weren't romantically involved. My dad was all for it. He wants Sam and I to be together because Sam  is like a son to him and what better way to make him his actually son that to be with me.
I mean Sam is attractive and shit but he just doesn't appeal to me in that aspect at all. His older brother, Michael, though is extremely my type and I would love to go on a few dates with him, if you know what I mean. He's in a band and he sings and is pretty punk.
A knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts. The knob turned and Layla's blonde head peaked through the crack she made.
"Is it okay if my brother comes for some Chinese too?" Her voice was nervous, like she was scared I was going to bite her head off.
"Yes that's fine." I smiled at her and her face seemed to loosen up and didn't look so tense.
"Alright thank you." She smiled as she closed the door.
I sat on my bed scrolling through tumblr until Sam shouted from the living room that the food was here.
I walked out of my room and into the kitchen to grab a class of water to drink. I opened the cupboard with the glasses and grabbed one.
"Could you grab me one too babe?"
I dropped the glass as I turned to see a very attractive boy or man with a five o'clock shadow and long hair pulled back into a bun. He smirked at me as he closed my mouth that I guess was wide open.
"Don't wanna catch any flies now do we?"

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