Chapter 11

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"I thought you had to run to work or were you just trying to get away from me?" I asked him. My wrists were still being held above my head and his body was still flush to mine. But as soon as those words left my mouth he took a step back and let go of my wrists.

"I.. What?" He looked at me confused. He's always fucking confused.

"You only said you have to go to work to get away from me." I shrugged my shoulders as I moved from the wall to walk towards my bed.

"No. No I didn't." He said sternly, trying to get his point across.

"Okay. Whatever you say. Just go to work." I mumbled as I sat on the edge of my bed and fell back. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh.

"Sydney.." Ashton whined. Literally whined.

"What?" I snapped. I was getting annoyed with this back and forth bullshit. I was exhausted and still pissed that he took my phone.

"What the hell is your problem?" He asked.

"Nothing, just go." I needed to think and I couldn't do that with him here. So close to me.

"No. Why are you being so.. so.."

"Go ahead. Say it." I was sitting up now. I was ready to explode on him.

"Bitchy. You're being bitchy." I stood up and got in his face the best I could with him being so much taller than me.

"You're a fucking prick and I can't stand you." I snarled and he just laughed. "Why the hell are you laughing? Is this funny to you?"

"I'm a prick and you can't stand me yet you're still here with me."

"Fuck you. Leave now." I screamed and he put his hand over my mouth to quiet me. I bit down on his palm and he pulled back.

"Ow, what the fuck was that for?" He yelled.

"Don't put your hand over my mouth asshole." I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Don't put your hand over my mouth asshole." He was mocking me as he dramatically huffed and crossed his arms.

I lunged at him and he was caught off guard. We were both on the floor and I was on top of him. My knees went to either side of his waist as I started hitting his chest. I was so angry and confused. He was doing this to me and I didn't want to be so vulnerable when it comes to guys.

His hands gripped my wrists and he pulled me down so that my head was on his chest. "Stop hitting me." He mumbled as I tried to catch my breath.

"I hate you." I mumbled and his grip on me tightened.

"Please don't say that." He whimpered.

We laid on the floor for more than an hour before my phone started ringing. I sat up and grabbed it off the floor next to us. I looked at the caller ID and it was my dad.

"It's my dad. Just don't say anything." I mumbled and pressed the green button, putting it to my ear.

"Hey dad." I said into the phone and Ashton began running his fingers up and down my thighs. I shivered at his touch and when I looked at him, he had a huge smirk across his lips.

"Hey pumpkin. How's it going?" My dad's voice always calmed me down and I relaxed.

"It's good. I guess, just a little stressed from school and boys." I chuckled and Ashton frowned knowing I was talking about him. I averted my gaze and looked at the wall.

"Don't let them boys get to you honey. They will realise what a catch you are. But school will get easier just keep studying." He laughed into the phone and I heard rustling.

"I know dad. School is my main priority right now." I mumbled.

"Don't sound so down, doll. Now who is Sam bringing around?" He asked and I let out a sigh.

"Uh, do you remember Layla? The girl from high school?" I asked and Ashton's fingers stilled.

"Yes? Why?" My dad sounded confused.

"Well Sam is dating her." I mumbled. I mean, I'm happy for him, I really am. He just kept it from me and I don't like that he did.

"What? Didn't she bully you?" My dad asked and I hummed to say yes. "And he knows she used to bully you?" I hummed again. "Do I need to kick someones ass?"

"No, dad. It's fine, really. She's changed a lot. She's grown up and isn't the same as she was in high school." I said, meaning it. Ashton's fingers were now gone from my thigh and resting on his chest. I frowned at the loss of contact.

"Are you sure because I will kick some ass if you need me too." He said.

"I'm fine dad. I'm a big girl but I may need you to beat up her brother." I smirked down at Ashton. His eyes were wide and he looked confused. I started laughing and so did my dad.

"Anything. I need his name and what he looks like." He chuckled, knowing I was only kidding.

"Well he has this unruly, curly hair and brown eyes and he's probably like six feet tall. He plays the drums and his name is Ashton." I chuckled as Ashton's face was still confused.

"Ohh, he plays the drums? Is he in the band with the guys?" He asked.

"Uh, not yet. They asked him to be though." I said. Ashton sat up, making me squeal. I was now sitting in his lap as he grabbed my phone. "Ashton, no." I whispered and he just smirked.

"Hello sir." He said into the phone. I could hear my talk talking but not what he was saying.

"Yes this is Ashton."

"She had to pee so she gave me the phone." He smirked at me.

"Oh she is very lovely. I really like spending time with her."

"I graduate in June so I'm just working at the record store downtown."

"I'm going for music. Writing and composing and all that fun stuff. Which is why I am working at the record store." He chuckled as he kept talking to my dad. I was mad at first that he took my phone again but the easiness of him talking to my dad is making me happy.

"They did ask me to join but I'm up in the air about it. I want to finish up college and try to find a career in that."

What better career is there than being in band when it comes to writing music?

"That's very true sir but if they get big and we start touring, I don't think I would be able to leave my mom and siblings." The conversation was getting serious.

"It is very much so my biggest dream to be in a band but that's all it is, a dream. We can all dream big but reality is what matters in the end."

"Yes you can. Here she is." He passed my phone back to me.

"Hi dad." I said once the phone was pressed against my ear again.

"You need to convince that boy to follow his dreams. Have a good rest of the day. I will call you later this week. I gotta go, your mother is yelling about something. Love you." He rushed out before hanging up.

"Love you too." I said to the ended phone call. I pulled the phone from my ear and locked it.

"What's wrong?" Ashton asked.

"Nothing. He just hung up before I said goodbye." I shrugged.

"He's a pretty cool guy, ya know." He praised my dad.

"Yeah, yeah he is." I smiled slightly. "I'm hungry."

"Is that why you've been so bitchy?" Ashton said jokingly and I hit is chest laughing along with him.

"Shut up you big jerk."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2015 ⏰

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