Chapter 4

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Everything was a blur. Ashton came upstairs with me. I grabbed the bottle of vodka I kept under the sink. I grabbed a few shot glasses and Ashton chuckled.

"Don't drop those. I don't want to clean up more glass." I flipped him off and before I knew it he was standing in front of me. His face mere inches from mine. "God you're killing me." He licked his lips as his eyes were set on my lips. My breathing got heavy as his face got closer.

"Ash." I whispered and he just hummed before his lips connected with the corner of my mouth.

"Let's go." He turned to walk towards my room but lost his balance and knocked into one of the stools in front of the counter. I bursted into laughter as Ashton mumbled an 'ow' before joining in on my laughter. His laugh made me smile. It was so deep yet giggley. His giggles had subsided and he continued his walk to my room. He stopped at Sam's door and I got nervous.

"Ashton, don't bother them." He looked at me before smirking and started banging loudly on the door.

"Wakey wakey."He yelled as he turned the door knob. "Hi gu-" He stopped mid sentence and just stood there.

"Oh god." I mumbled as I walked to stand next to him. Sam and Layla were curled up in bed together, just cuddling. "What?" I looked up at Ashton and his mouth kept opening and closing.

"They're.... Naked." He looked pale, almost like he was going to barf.

"They must have taken the advantage of me being out of the apartment. I did tell them that I would put their toothbrushes in the toilet of they woke me." I giggled and Sam joined me.

"Are you too drunk?" Layla asked as she looked from Ashton to me.

"Only a little bit." I took my thumb and pointer finger and set them about an inch apart and giggled to myself. Layla let out a chuckle as she laid back down. "Come on Ashton." I grabbed his arm and pulled him from Sam's door way.

He was still pale when he sat down on my bed. He grabbed the bottle of Svedka from my hand and unscrewed the top. "Cheers." He said as his lips wrapped around the rim of the bottle and he tipped it back taking a huge swig. He srunched his eyes and shook his head as he swallowed.

"Geez. Chill." I took the bottle from his hands and set it on my night stand along with the shot glasses.I turned to look at Ashton and he was taking his jacket off. He threw it near the now closed door and fell back on my bed.

"I'm going to kill Sam." I chuckled at him and he sat up. "I'm serious. Sleeping with my little sister. Oh hell no." He sounded like a sassy 9 year old that wasn't getting their way. 

"She's twenty years old Ashton. She can make her own decisions." I giggled as the words fell from my lips. I looked at his face and he was biting his lip. I stared as he began nibbling on it. Oh god, it was so hot. "Is it hot in here? I'm getting kinda warm." I could feel my cheeks heating up so I pulled my sweater over my head. I felt Ashton's hands grab the exposed skin from where my tank top had rose up. My skin was on fire as he pulled me towards him.

"You know, I really do not like when you go against me." He settled me between his legs and we were about eye level now. But he wasn't looking at me eyes.

"But your sister is a big girl. She can sleep with Sam, just like you can sleep with whom ever you'd like." He stared at my lips as I talked and I didn't know of he was listening or not.

"Can I sleep with you?" He looked at me with puppy dog eyes that were bloodshot from the alcohol. He even pouted his lip. I laughed as he squeezed my hip a little in asking.

"Not tonight kiddo." He pouted even more and I took no time to bend down a bit and grab his bottom lip between my teeth. He groaned and his grip on my hips tightened even more. I pulled at his lip with my teeth and let it slap back to it place before smirking at him.

I turned around in his grip and walked towards the bottle. I poured Ashton and I a shot and turned back to him. "Cheers to what?" I asked as I handed him his shot.

"Cheers to you, for being so god damn hot." He chuckled as my cheeks turned crimson.

"Stop." I  whined as he pulled me towards him again, resting me between his legs. He downed his shot without tapping his glass to mine. "Hey, you didn't tap my glass."  I pouted and he just shrugged before capturing my lips in a feverish kiss. I smile through the kiss and he started laughing. "I didn't even have my shot, butthead." I mumbled against his lips. He chuckled before pulling away to allow me to take my shot. I shot it back and cringed as the burning alcohol traveled down my throat. I sheek my head as a shiver ran down my spine. "That's a lot stronger than I remember." I giggled out still feeling the burn of the alcohol at the back of my throat.

"You're so cute." Ashton chuckled out as he pulled me on top of him, causing me to straddle his lap. I blushed as he smirked up at me now that I was an inch or two taller. His lips attached to my neck as my fingers grab at the rubber band keeping his hair up. I yanked it our, throwing it to the side. I ran my fingers through his curls and tugged a little. He groaned before gently biting down on the base of my neck and sucking slightly. I low moan grew in my throat and I tried to hold it in but he moved to a new spot and began his assault.

"Ashton." I mumbled, out of breath.

"Mhm." He hummed into my collarbone making me bite my lip and squirm. Ashton groaned under me before gripping my hips tighter, "Don't do that." He practically panted.

"What?" I asked confused. I gasped as he lifted his hips a little to answer my question. My cheeks became even more warm than they already were. Ashton chuckled underneath me before reaching next to him for the bottle of vodka. He took a swig before passing it to me. I hesitated a bit before tilting the bottle back and taking a gulp. I cringed as the alcohol burned again and I felt Ashton chuckle from under me. He took the bottle from my hands and set it back on the table.

I could feel my head getting fuzzy from the alcohol. My fingers felt funny as they ran through Ashton's hair. I could feel my heart beating and I knew that I wouldn't remember most of this when I woke up. And at the same time I didn't care.

I was pulled from my drunken thoughts as Ashton's hand slipped up the back of my shirt and rested at the small of my back. His hands were a bit cold and I shivered at the contact. A lazy smile grazed his lips as he drew patterns with his finger. His other hand was resting on my thigh, quite close to where I wanted him to be.

"I have a question." Ashton said as his fingers stopped moving. I looked at him and hummed to let him know I was listening. "Why do they call you Banana? Where did that even come from, your name isn't even close to it. Like, I'd understand if your name was Anna or something but." He trailed off waiting for me to explain where the nickname came from.

"Sam started it at school and stuff but my parents were the originators of the name. I loved and when I say 'loved' I mean I ate them every day, 3 or 4 a day. Yellow was my favorite color too and my parents had to make sure I ate apples and plums as well because there were times where I got so constipated I couldn't move. And to this day I still love bananas but  I don't eat as many and everyone still calls me Banana at 20 and in college. Sometimes I forget my name is Sydney."

Ashton pulled me closer as I was talking and buried his face in my neck. "You're killing me, Sydney." He mumbled into my neck and I pulled at him hair to make him look at me.

"That's the second time you said that today." I mumbled before he fell back on the bed, pulling my tanktop over my head and attaching his lips to mine. 

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