Chapter 3

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I was laying in bed that night listening to Green Day. Ashton had left a while ago and Layla was spending the night. I made sure to inform them not to wake me in the middle of the night or I would put their toothbrushes in the toilet. Layla had a horrified expression as Sam just laughed and told me he wouldn't be too loud.

My phone buzzed on my night stand and  I was hoping it was my dad. I hopped off my bed and grabbed it unlocking it to see an unknown number had texted me.

Unkown: Princessssss xx

Oh no, how did he get my number? I stared at my phone screen with my eyebrows furrowed. I typed a reply,

To Unknown: How the fuck did you get my number???

I pictured him chuckling at his phone as he read the text from me. It didn't take him long to reply with a snarky comment.

Unknown:  I have my ways princess ;)

I wanted to climb through my phone and strangle him. I hated the nickname he gave me because I am not his princess, therefor he has no right calling me that. I literally just met him a few hours ago and he pisses me off to the point where  I wanna punch him in the throat.

I saved his number as "Asshole" and replied.

To Asshole: Stop calling me princess before I chop your damn balls off :)))

I smiled at my phone screen before locking it and laying back down. Neck Deep was playing now and it was a song off their new album that hit right in the feels.  I ignored my phone buzzing with a call as the lyrics ran through my head. My phone stopped buzzing for a second before starting again. I looked at the screen to see that it was Ashton, a.k.a Asshole. I ignored the call and hopped out of bed walking towards my door way.  walked to the kitchen to find a snack as my phone started buzzing again. I answered it this time.

"What the hell do you want?" My voice was annoyed and  I heard a chuckle before his deep voice filled my ear.

"Hi princess. What are you currently doing?" I could hear the smile in his voice. My annoyance was amusing to him. Well it wasn't going to be amusing when I punch him in the throat.

"Trying not to crawl through this phone and punch you." My jaw was clenched as he laughed. "I'm serious." He just kept laughing. "I'm hanging up. Bye."

"No, wait!" That's what I thought. "I'm out front, come for a ride with me." Did I hear him right? I walked towards the window that looked out to the front  of the apartment building. I saw a black car with Ashton leaned up against the driver side door across the street. He was already looking at the window like he knew exactly where my apartment was. His eyes met mine and he smiled, speaking into the phone. "I see you. Now come down."

"No. I have class tomorrow. I need to get to bed." I lied, I didn't have class. I saw him smirk.

"You really suck at lying, ya know. Now get your fine ass down here princess." He winked at me from his car and I blushed at his comment about my ass. "Come on princess. I will buy you food."

"Food?" I perked up at the mention of food. I was going to the kitchen to find food.

"Yes, food. Anything you want. You just have to come down here." I was silent as I thought about it. Food or sleep?

"Okay. Let me change, I'll be 5 minutes." I hung up the phone as I walked away from the window towards my room. As I passed Sam's room I yelled to let him know I was leaving.

"Sam, I'm going out! Don't wait up!" I got to my door as his opened.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

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