Chapter V

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Lauren's POV...

At first I was a bit surprised, but I did my best not to show it because I didn't want her to pull away. Her lips were so soft and smooth and I felt pure bliss as they moved in sync with mine. She was so gentle almost as if she thought I would disappear if she applied to much pressure. The kiss was so simple, but it made me feel absolutely everything all at once.

It could've been two minutes or it could've been two hours. I'm not exactly sure of the amount of time that had passed, but when her lips finally left from mine I was begging for more.

After she pulled away she rested her forehead against mine. "You're my saving grace..." She whispered just loud enough for me to hear. I pulled away and her body tensed up as she looked at me with a panicked expression on her face.

"I-I'm s-sorry... I d-didn't mean t-to make you f-feel un-uncom..." I quickly cut her off by planting a soft kiss on her lips, she immediately relaxed.

"I'll be whatever you need me to be, Y/N." I mumbled into her lips. "Thank you." She said as she readjusted her position and nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck. I traced random patterns on her back and after a few minutes I heard her cute little snores. "I could definitely get used to her being in my arms" I thought to myself.

All of a sudden I got an idea. I slowly and methodically removed my phone from my back pocket being careful not to wake Y/N. Once I got it out I pulled up the camera app and switched it to front camera. I gently moved some of the hair that had fallen in her face. Finally, I placed my lips on the top of her head and took the picture. When I looked at the results I felt my heart flutter, she is absolutely beautiful.


We had been sitting in the same exact position for about two hours. I didn't dare move in fear of waking up Y/N. With all that she had gone through today she had to be both physically and emotionally exhausted. Plus I really enjoyed holding her in my arms. I didn't know where we would go from here, if anywhere, so I wanted to stay like this as long as possible.

Finally, after hours of waiting, the doctor showed back up.

"Carter did just fine in surgery and he's in recovery now. He's still asleep, but he should be waking up soon if you two want to go to wait for him in his room." The doctor informed us while sending me a small smile when he noticed Y/N was still asleep on top of me. I just nodded me head in response.

"Y/N-N..." I drug out while rubbing her back softly, but she didn't move. "Y/N, wake uppp" I tried again, but with no success. "Y/N, babe, come on Carter is out of surgery and we can go see him now." I practically begged as I shook her slightly. As soon as I said that she bolted up.

"Carter!... Carter!? Where's my baby? Is he okay!?" She exclaimed with panic laced in her voice.

"Hey, hey, he's fine!" I quickly pulled her into a tight embrace and she instantly calmed down. "The doctor said we could go see him. He said he's not awake yet, but we can go wait in his room" I saw the fear disappear from her eyes as I said that.

"Okay" was all she said as she got up from my lap and stretched a bit.

Y/N POV...

As we made our way to Carter's room I couldn't help but worry. "Was there any permanent damage? Is he going to be in a lot of pain? What if this scars him for life?" These were the questions racing through my mind. The chaos in my head subsided when I felt a warm soft hand slip into mine. When I looked to my side I saw Lauren looking at me with the most endearing eyes.

"Everything is going to be fine, I promise." She leaned over and placed a lingering kiss on my forehead.

When her lips made contact with my skin I would say it felt like butterflies came to life inside of me, but the thing is that's not even close to how I felt. I felt as though my senses were intensified and fireworks erupted inside me. Like every little colorful spark ignited some new indescribable feeling.

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