Chapter VII

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A/N: Let me know if y'all are even enjoying this, because if not I might just go ahead and end it... Thanks!


Lauren and I were cuddling on the couch when Stuck in Love came on tv. "Oh my god! This is my favorite movie!" I shot up from the couch making Lauren fall face first into a bunch of throw pillows. "Sorry babe" I giggled as I quickly helped her up and pecked her nose. "It's okay, it was an accident" she said while her nose was still scrunched up. She just looked so cute I couldn't help but lean in and kiss her soft lips.

I laid back down and the couch and wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her down on top of me. She was holding herself up on her forearms trying not to put all of her weight on me. Her hair fell on both sides of her head and tickled my face since we were only inches apart. I scrunched up my nose and started giggling at the tingling sensation on my face and neck caused by her hair.

"Babeee your hair is tickly! Stop moving!" "Oh you mean I shouldn't do this?!" she asked sarcastically as she shook her head back and forth making her hair tickle me even more. "C-come on L- Lo, s-s-stop!" I tried to get out between giggles. "Nah, I don't think so" she had a devilish smirk plastered across her face. Since she wouldn't stop I decided to take measures into my own hand. I quickly wrapped my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck and held her as close as possible. I was holding on for dear life, I probably looked like a sloth holding onto a tree branch but oh well. As soon as I did this Lauren completely stopped her movements.



"What the hell are you doing?" Lauren asked in absolute confusion.

"Trying to stop you from tickling me" I replied nonchalantly.

"Oh yeah? So you thought that latching on to me like a leech was the best option?" she chuckeld.

"Well it obviously worked" I said confidently.

She tried to pry me off of her, but I was holding on with everything that I had. After several failed attempts she gave up. Instead of trying to pull me off she just laid down on her back so that I was laying on top of her with my head resting on her chest. A few minutes later I finally pulled away, but just far enough so I could look at her face. I rearranged my arms so that they were resting on Lauren's chest while I laid my chin on them so that I was now staring into Lauren's beautiful eyes.

"Hi" I said innocently.

"Hello there" she replied as she slipped her hands beneath my shirt and mindlessly drew patterns on my exposed skin. I closed my eyes and hummed in pure bliss as her heated fingertips roamed my skin. "Oh you like that huh?" she spoke up and I could practically feel her smirking. I opened my eyes right as she was about to say something else, but I crashed my lips into hers before she even got the chance to spit it out.

The second our lips connected she let out a rather loud moan and I couldn't help but be proud of myself. I could feel her tongue trace my bottom lip eagerly asking for entrance, but I denied her, as much as I wanted to give in I thought I would get my revenge on her for tickling me earlier. Each time her tongue probed my bottom lip I shut her down. After a while she groaned in frustration so I decided to take the opportunity to slip my tongue between her lips into her mouth. Once our tongues made contact we both let out a loud moan.

Her hands slowly ghosted over my sides and made their way downward. Before I knew it she placed her hands on my ass and gave it a firm squeeze. I quickly pulled away from the kiss and looked at her, a fearful expression flashed across her face as I did this. "I'm s-sorry I didn't m-mean t-to cr-cross the li-..." I cut her off with a heated kiss, immediately I tangled my fingers in her hair while sliding my tongue into her mouth while exploring every inch of it.

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