Chapter IV

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I was laying on the couch just thinking about the past four years, all of the ups and downs, all of the pain and suffering, but most importantly, all of the joy and happiness.

Things have changed a lot ever since Chloe passed away. For starters, I officially adopted Carter. Adopting him was hands down the best decision I've made in my entire life. He is now my world.

I took care of Carter all on my own. It's not that my parents and Jesse didn't offer to help, they actually were constantly trying to help, but I wanted to do it on my own because he was now my responsibility. But I still let them help every once in a while when I really needed them.

For example, like when I was at training. Yup, you heard me correctly, I said training. When Carter was almost three I decided that I would tryout for a professional team so I could earn some money to support Carter and I.

When I was researching teams one team in particular caught my eye, the Chicago Red Stars. I contacted the coach to see if I could try out for the team and he set everything up.

When I got off of the plane in Chicago I instantly fell in love. The city was absolutely beautiful. "I could really get used to living here." I thought to myself as I made my way to the car that was waiting for me so it could take me to the training complex.


After tryouts the coach told me that he was really impressed with me. He ended up making me an offer that I couldn't resist. He didn't want to waste any time so he took me to his office so we could start on paper work.

We were in his office and he was laying out my contract and some other documents on his desk. "Coach?" I spoke up. "Yeah Y/N?" "Before I sign all of this and make everything official there's something I need to tell you." I said. "Well go ahead." He said genuinely concerned.

"I think you should know th-that... That I have a s-son. He's two, almost three years old and he is my world. If this is all going to work out you have to be okay with him going everywhere with me. I refuse to leave him with my family because he is my responsibility. Plus I don't think I could go a single day without seeing him. I understand that this is a lot to take in, but we're a package deal. So if you sign me, he comes too... And if this is a deal breaker, then I'm sorry. And hopefully I can find another team that is willing to have us both." I finished while finally letting out a deep sigh.

I looked at his face searching for some kind of emotion, but I was met with nothing. After about a minute or two of silence I saw a smirk make its way onto his face. "I can't wait to meet the little guy." He finally said.

In that moment I felt pure joy. I felt like things were going to finally start to look up. I felt happy.


I can't believe how much has changed in the past four years. I never would have thought that I would be nineteen living in an apartment in the middle of Chicago with my three, nearly four year old son, while playing professional soccer. Everything was just so unreal.

Now, I was half asleep on the couch when all of a sudden I felt pressure on my stomach. I didn't think much of it until the pressure gradually increased. I slowly began to open my eyes only to be met by the most adorable dark haired, emerald eyed little boy in the world.

"Hi, mommy", he rasped out. "Hey, baby", I whispered as I shot him a loving smile.

He climbed further on top of me, snaking his arms around my neck while nuzzling further into my chest. I wrapped one of my arms around his back while using my other hand to simultaneously play with his hair.

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