Chapter IX

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Lauren's POV

Yesterday was pretty rough considering everything that happened at the game, but last night wasn't much better. I didn't get much sleep because I stayed up making sure Y/N had everything she needed. We made sure to ice her ankle just like the trainer said to, so that meant countless trips back and forth from the kitchen to the bedroom switching out her ice packs. Even though I was exhausted I didn't mind all the work because I just wanted my baby to feel better.

Right now I'm leaving the pharmacy and heading back to Y/N's apartment. She said she was feeling significantly better today, but her ankle still hurt pretty bad, so I decided to go pick her up some medicine to help manage her pain. Earlier this morning Camz came by and took Carter for a day out on the Navy Pier, which was great timing if you ask me.

I mean don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Carter like he's my own, but he just had so much energy this morning and Y/N and I were so exhausted we were praying he would just settle down and watch a movie with us, but unluckily for us he had other plans. Camz came and saved us just in time because we were about to go insane. I think Camila understood how tired we were by the state she saw us in because she told us to just relax today and enjoy ourselves, that her and Carter would be out all day.

I finally arrived at the apartment, but something was off because when I went to unlock the door it was already slightly open. I was confused because Y/N and I weren't expecting anyone today and Camila said that her and Carter would be at the pier until later this evening and it was only noon. When I walked into the apartment it was really quiet. I walked to the living room expecting to see Y/N on the couch where I left her, but to my surprise she wasn't. "Y/N? Camz? Carter?" I called out hoping for some kind of response, but nothing.

All of the sudden I heard some rustling coming from the bedroom, so I decided to go check it out. As I got closer I heard grunting and moaning and then I heard something that made my heart drop, "Keith!" my girlfriend squealed. In an instant I felt my whole world come to a complete stop. My girlfriend, the love of my life, was cheating on me. I felt as though my heart had been ripped out of my body and thrown to the ground. I stood there frozen in place.

Just as I was about to turn and leave I heard something that stopped me in my tracks, "Oh Y/N, I'm gunna make you feel so good baby" a deep voice said. "Keith, stop! Get the fuck off of me!" Y/N said, but something wasn't right, her voice was shaky and filled with what sounded like fear. "Just relax and get ready to enjoy everything I'm about to do to you. Here let's get these off of you" "NO! I DON'T FUCKING WANT THIS. I DON'T FUCKING WANT YOU. I LOVE SOMEONE ELSE!" Y/N cried out. "SHUT UP BITCH!" then there was a loud slap and that's when I busted through the door.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?" I shouted as I made my way over to the bed.

"Who the hell are you?" the guy asked. "You know what I don't even care, just leave! We were in the middle of something!" he snapped as he leaned down and crashed his lips on to Y/N's. Oh hell no I thought to myself, I sprinted over to them and tackled the guy, knocking him off of Y/N and on to the floor. I was straddling him and had his arms pinned to the ground by his wrists.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" he shouted.

"Touch my girlfriend again and I'll end you" I growled at him.

"Girlfriend? Y/N isn't in to girls" he laughed bitterly.

"Oh yeah? Well I know for a fact that she sure as hell isn't in to rape, and the fact that I'm her girlfriend proves you wrong. So fuck you, asshole!"

"Who said anything about rape? She was practically begging for it" he smirked at me. I tightened my grip on his wrists and looked back over my shoulder at my girlfriend sitting up against the headboard with her knees pulled into her chest while she silently cried. My heart ached at how broken she looked. I turned back around to face Keith who had a disgusting smirk plastered across his face. I loosened my grip on him and slowly got up and he followed suit.

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