Chapter VIII

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Today I was out and about finishing up a photoshoot for my best friend Normani. She's in the fashion industry and her regular photographer bailed on her last minute so she called me up and asked if I could help her out. I was kind of bummed out because Y/N Had a soccer game today and I really wanted to see my beautiful girlfriend in action and they were going to be playing their rival team, but of course I couldn't let my best friend down.

The cool thing about Normani is that not only does she design clothes for a living, but she models them as well! Normally she would have a whole indoor set up for a photoshoot but I convinced her to let me take control of this one, so we were currently working in the heart of the city. I was trying to choose locations that would really make Normani's outfits stand out but fit the scenery at the same time. I had her pose by buildings and alleyways and even in the middle of the crosswalk.

Her modeling skills were flawless, but by the end of the shoot my favorite shots were the candid photos that I captured of her. Photos where she was mindlessly looking up at the sky or reaching out to hand a homeless person some money. To me those pictures were the best, they were real, they were raw, they were true moments, they had an authentic essence about them.

We started the shoot around 11:00 this morning and it was now 3:00, I could tell Mani was getting tired "Mani, you doing okay?" I chuckled. "Uhhh Laur, are we almost done?" she groaned. "Well I think we have some really decent shots, so it's really up to y-..." "ALRIGHT EVERYONE, LETS PACK EVERYTHING UP!" she cut me off before I even had a chance to finish. I laughed at her actions and began packing my equipment up while her team of assistants rounded up all of her belongings.

"How about we head back to my office and see how good you really are Jauregui?" Mani smirked at me. "Oh do you doubt my abilities Hamilton?" I challenged. "I'm just messing! You know I think you're amazing. Come on, I'll have one of my assistants order us lunch!" "Free food? I'm down!"


"OH MY GOD! I mean I knew you were good, but... Lauren you are seriously the best, these are amazing!" Mani practically tackled me with a hug. "Well I couldn't let my best friend look a mess if her clothes are supposed to be featured in Vogue magazine!" I joked with her she just sent me a sweet smile. "I'm seriously Lo, these are so good. I might just hire you as my new photographer!" she said I just laughed at her ridiculous proposal. "Here I have a couple more I want to show you".

I clicked on a different file that had her candid shots in it. It contained the two photos that I mentioned earlier, one where she was drinking her coffee off to the side of a building, one where she looked frustrated while running her fingers through her hair, and a couple of others.

After I showed her the photos she didn't say anything so I turned around in my chair to look at her. "Mani? What do you think?" I asked hesitantly as I nervously played with a section of my hair. "I think I just found myself a new photographer. You're hired." She said with a completely expressionless face. "Mani, come on seriously, what do you think? Yes or no?" she finally looked me in the eyes and spoke "HELL YES! And I am completely serious Lauren, I want you to be my new photographer because you are some kind of miracle worker!" she praised. "Are you kidding me?! This is gunna be fucking awesome!"

"So which photos do you think I should send in to Vogue?" Normani asked me since she was completely torn on whether she should send in the staged photos or take a risk and send in the candid ones. "You want my honest opinion?" I asked. "Of course!"

"Well then I think you should send in the candid pictures. One reason is I think it will be a nice change. Anytime you look at one of those magazines everything is so staged, sure the girls and clothes are beautiful but nothing even seems real. Secondly I think the real, raw you will connect with people better. When readers look through the magazine and see a model simply drinking coffee or looking frustrated, then they will feel some kind of connection. People have this idea that models are untouchable and that they live this perfect lifestyle, but you can show people that isn't true and that your fashion line isn't strictly for higher status individuals, it's for everyday people as well" I explained her face expressed nothing but pure shock.

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