Chapter 1

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Harry's p.o.v.

I walked in from my little vacation and immediately noticed a difference. The once clean flat had beer bottles lying around and smelt like smoke. Oh god please tell me he hasn't turned to smoking. My thoughts were soon interrupted.

"What are you doin back"I turned to look where the noise came from. There on the stairs was my best mate dressed In black skinny jeans and a black shirt.what happened to his colorful close?

"Hi boo"I Said

"Don't call me that"he snapped"you left remember"

"What no Louis I didn't leave I had to go to weddings I told you I would be back And you said ok"

"Yeah sure"he scoffed

"Why did you stop talking to me"?

"Why did you leave"? He spit back

"Louis I. Did. Not. Leave." I was getting mad now he knows I didn't leave.

"Whatever"he said and walked passed me and hit my shoulder

"Where are you going" I spit at him

"Out" he said before slamming the door. God what happened to him? I went to my room and seen it hasn't been touched. Usually Louis would sleep in my bed when I was gone. I unpacked my things and decided to call the boys. I pulled out my phone and dialed that familiar number.


"Hey Liam can I come over"?

"What your back in Doncaster"

"Yea I came home early when I called you and you told me that so right after Gemmas wedding I came home."

"Oh yea of course the boys and I miss you" he said very happy

"Ok see you in like five minuates" I said and hung up

I walked up the stairs to Liam,Niall and Zayns flat. I was about to knock but the door flew open to revel A very happy Irish fellow.

"Harry!" He screamed an engulfed me in a hug.

"Hi Nialler"I smiled as hugged back. I was soon being crushed by two other boys.

"Harry we missed you"Liam said

"Hey mate good to have you back" Zayn said. They led me in the house and we sat on the couch.

"How was your mums and sisters wedding"Liam asked

"Great,yea mum and Robin are honeymooning on some three month cruise and Gemma and Jordan are honeymooning at Hawaii for like a month or somthing, how was your guys vacation"I asked knowing it was up in like two weeks

"Um...great for the most part"Niall said drifting off the last part.Then it fell silent.

"What happened"? I asked in a whisper.

"We don't know Harry, one day he's himself and the next he ignored us and snapped at everybody,Us,Simon. He hasn't snapped at any fans, which is a good thing, but we just don't know,hell Simon don't even know"Zayn said. We dropped the subject and played video games and eat pizza. I saw that it was around ten and told the boys I was going home.we said our goodbyes and Zayn told me to be carful.

I turned the handle and it was unlocked.Great HE was home. It's not that I had a problem with it, it's just I don't wanna argue with him. I opened the door and walked in. I closed the door and started upstairs.

"Where were you"?!Here it comes

"I was at the boys flat"I missed them to Louis"I said

"You didn't miss me,nobody does"I was absolutely sure that last part was not meant for me to hear,but I did.

"What do you mean"?

"Nothing" he said and started walking off.

"Wait"I said and grabbed his wrist.big mistake. Before I could process what was happening I was being pushed up against my bedroom door(which is across from his).

"Look Styles we got some rules"he said pushing me harder against the wall."one never Back talk me,two stay out of my fucking business,and three Don't.Ever.Touch.Me. do I make myself clear"? He has never done this before.

"Yes" I said through gritted teeth.

"Good"he smirked and dropped me and I fell to the floor.

He Went back to his room and I went to mine. I striped myself of all my clothes except my boxers. I looked at my back in the full length mirror. There were blue and yellow spots forming. Great. I went to bed that night with one question on my mind.


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