Chapter 9

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Harry's p.o.v.

I woke up to the phone ringing.

"Hello" I said in a sleepy voice.

"Hey Harry we have to be at the recording studio at Eleven do you think you can get Louis there" Liam asked.

Shit,shit,shit I forgot about break being over. I looked at the clock that said 7:30am.

Really Liam

"Um...yea sure thing mate" I said

"Ok thanks bye" he said and the line went dead. It was time to wake louis up.

"Lou...Lou wake up" I said

"Why Harry I want to sleep" he said

"Louis break is over, we have to go the recording studio at eleven and it's 7:30am" I said.

"Ugg fine" he said and opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Good morning boo" I said

"Good morning haz" he said hips lips met mine in a passionate kiss. But it didn't last long until he pulled apart.

"Wait Harry did you say the recording studio" he asked

"Yea break is over" I replied

"A-are you gunna tell the boys" he asked

"No baby not unless you wan-" he cut me off

"No" he said and got up."I'm going to take a shower"

"Ok"I said

I decided to make him breakfast. I wen down stairs and found some eggs, fruit, toast, and bacon.

Louis p.o.v.

I stripped of my clothes and hopped under the hot steam. Then I started thinking which was a bad Idea. It occurred to me that Now that our break is over those men are gunna here about me, there gunna find me, again. I don't want to tell Harry the truth and truth is I'm SCARED. I'm scared as hell. I can't go through that again and know he's gonna leave me again. I just can't.

I got out of the shower and searched for Something, something I knew would help,

My razor. I brought the blade to my wrist and cut. I watched the crimson blood hit the sink. I whimpered a little.I did about six more very deep cuts, and then the door opened.

Harry's p.o.v.

Louis has been in the shower for a while now. I made him breakfast. I'm decided to go and check on him. After all he won't mind I mean he is my boyfri- wait what are Louis and I. Are we dating, are we friends with benefits. Ill figure it out later. I headed up stairs and was about to knock. The water was off but I herd a little bit of whimpers. And I opened the door.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Louis looked up and his eyes went wide. He was hanging over the sink with a blade that looks like it was from a pencil sharpener. He had blood dripping down his wrist from new cuts and it looked like he had some old ones.

"Haz" he said and I could feel the tears coming in my eyes.

"Why" was all I said

"It was how I cooped with the r-rape. It felt so g-good, it helped a lot Harry" he said

"Why-why do you still do it boo" I asked. He stood up and brushed a tear that I didn't even know had fallen off my cheek.

"Harry please don't cry" he said and hugged me.

I didn't know what to do I just stood there frozen.

"Harry please say something" he said

"Y-you have to l-le me h-help you." I said by now I had tears rolling down my cheeks.

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