Chapter 2

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Harry's p.o.v.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

"Hello"I spoke in my raspy morning voice.

"Harry,I'm glad your back in Doncaster how are things holding up"? A rather cheerful voice spoke.

"There good Simon,how are you"?I asked

"Oh, I'm good Harry, hey listen, since your back I was wondering if I could drop bye. To say hello." He asked more of a statement then a question

"Um..Sure" what about Louis' behavior?

"Look,Harry I know what's going on.I don't know what's wrong with Louis. But I'm sure you'll figure out." What?

"What why me...he thinks I left him" I mean after all the first thing he did was scream at me. Why would he tell me.

"Oh come on Harry,you in him are the closest. And even the boys think you can do it.They have tried and he just shuts them out."

"What makes you think he won't shut me out"I asked curious. I mean sure we were closer then the other boys but I don't think that will do anything now.

"I just don't think he will,so I'll be over around four,bye Harry"and then the line went dead.

I looked at the time. 12:27pm. Great I have to tell Louis that Simons coming in like four hours. I got up and pulled some jogging pants on and went downstairs. Louis must of just woke a few minutes before me because he was in Jogging pants to at the table eating a bowl of cereal,well here goes nothing.


"What" he said calmly.

"Uh...Simon wanted me to let you know he's coming at four."I spoke.

"Great"?! He said sarcasm feeling his voice as he got up and put his bowl in the sink.I started to turn around when a hand griped my shoulder and pushed me up against the wall,and I winced.

"Don't you dare tell Simon or the boys for that matter.that I hurt you or it will be the last thing you do got it styles"he spit.

"Boo.."I thought using his nickname would bring his walls down a little.I was wrong.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Don't.Fucking.Call.Me.That. Got it."he screamed

I nodded my head not really trusting my voice.He soon released me and this time the counter was there to help stand when he walked off.


I dried my curls as I stepped out of the shower. I put the towel around my waist and walked out of the bathroom and into my room. I shut the door and put on some skinny jeans with a white button down shirt and my blue blazer. It was already 3:45pm and Simon will be here in fifteen minutes. I headed downstairs and saw Louis sitting on the couch. He was dressed in black skinny jeans a black shirt and a black beanie. What is it with him and black. At least he still wears a beanie.

The doorbell rang and I started to get it but A hand grabbed my wrist. I didn't know he got off the couch.

"Remember my rule Harry don't you dare tell Simon"he said through gritted teeth.

"I know"I pulled out of his grip.I bet if Simon wasn't at the door I would have of been dead for pulling away.

I answered the door and was greeted with a hug.

"Hi Harry nice to see you" I could hear Louis scoff.

"Hey Simon come in" I said and backed up for him to come in.

"Would you like some tea?" I asked

"No thanks Harry I can't stay long I just came to talk to you and Louis."great.

"Oh Okay" I lead him to the living room.

"Hello Louis" Simon.

"Sup Simon"Louis replied. If there was one thing I knew about Simon was that he will not tolerate gangster talk towards him.

"Louis please have some respect" Simon said

"Whatever"he said

"Ok so what do you want to talk about Simon"I asked trying to change the subject.that didn't happen.

"Oh come on Harry,"oh so it's Harry around Simon."you know the only reason he's here is to talk about my 'attitude problem' "he said smirking.

"Yes Louis I'm glad we understand each other"Simon said smirking back. This will not end well.

"No we don't 'understand' each other and we NEVER will"louis spoke

"Louis stop"I said hopping he'd drop it. This time it wasn't his fault.

"And how come we won't understand each other Louis please tell" he said clearly getting annoyed.

"Nobody will ever understand me, nobody will ever get it. There is no point in trying because you won't find shit. I'm not the same anymore, and I never will be. So don't say we understand each other because you or anybody else will never understand nothing!" He screamed and got up and ran out the front door.

"Shit..."I mumbled

"I don't know what to do with that boy"Simon spoke.

"I don't either,but I'm gunna find out what happened to him"I said

"You really think you can"he spoke.

"No, but I'm gunna try" I said. Simon left shortly after few more minutes of talking. I decided to just kick back and watch some telly.

I could barley focus on the show. I think it was spongebob. But all I can think about is Louis. Why is he like this? What happened? Most importantly can I fix him? My thoughts were interrupted by keys jiggling in the door.Great he's home.

"What are you still Doing up"he said as he sat on the couch.Damn I hadn't noticed how late it had gotten .

"I didn't know it was that late"I mumbled.

"Sure you didn't Curley." Really Louis Curley.

"Curley?" I asked

"Yep he said popping the P. I can call you what I want.

"Whatever" I said and got up."I'm going to take a shower " I got up and herd Him chuckling. I wish he would full on laugh, I miss his laugh. I went upstairs to the bathroom and took off my jeans,shirt, and boxers. I adjusted the water till it was the right tempter. And hopped in.

I had no idea why I was taking a shower for the second time today. I didn't even leave the flat. I guess I just needed to think. And showers are good places for that. I took a good twenty minutes before getting out. I dried off and put on a pair of kelvin cline boxers and walked in my room.

I turned off my lights and crawled into bed. I stayed up for about half an hour thinking util I felt my eyelids getting heavier. And sleep soon consumed me.

Louis p.o.v:)

Curly was in the shower. Why was he watching spongebob? About twenty minutes later I heard his bedroom door shut. A commercial soon can on about how good life is.

"Bullshit...." I stared at the people and how happy they are. I suddenly had an feeling that I so desperately craved. I ran upstairs into the bathroom and shut and locked the door. I searched in the drawer and found what I was looking for. My blade. I brought the blade to my wrist ad leaned over the sink. I slow cut across my skin enjoying the crimson blood that was now flowing out of my wrist.

I cleaned up the blood after a few more cuts and headed to bed. Tomorrow should be interesting.


Keep in mine this is my first Larry fanfic so if it sucks sorry. And I'm using my phone so there will be no bold or italics most likely there will be caps.


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