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We all ran throughout the entire jungle. Zayn's grip got stronger as he ran faster. I smiled and ran the same speed as him, as we jumped over the branches.

We turned to lose the Rex in the trees as we hid behind a tree trunk.

"MIXTLI!" A girl screamed. I turned and saw Naomi, JJ and Andrea running as the Idominus chased them. I gapsed as they headed towards a cliff.

"NOOO!" I screamed and took out my gun, pointing at the oversized white dinosaur.

I shot the Idominus on the legs five times without a miss. It roared and turned its attention towards Zayn and I.

I tried to shoot some more but the gun kept clicking. "Shit. No ammo." I said as I started to walk back, pulling on Zayn's arm. I placed the gun back in my pocket, still keeping contact with the rex.

"Run!" I yelled at the girls. The Idominus roared and stomped its way towards us. We yelled and ran, not caring where we were going.

We ran through trees, vines, branches and bushes but the dinosaur was right behind us. Zayn and I jumped over little branches that were in our way from getting eaten alive.

"We need to hide!" Zayn said loudly as we continued to run.

"Where?" I asked as I slid down the large branch that was bent.

Zayn grabbed my hand quickly and pulled me to the side, tricking the Rex. The rex fell down a steep hill, as Zayn leaned against me on the tree. I closed my eyes as the Idominus screeched as it fell and rolled.

We breathed deeply as Zayn's arm was against the tree, as I was leaning on the tree. I opened my eyes and found Zayn chuckling a little as we made it out alive. I giggled and looked at him, as our eyes met. He gave me a smile as we stood there for a while, as he started to lean closer. I smiled and leaned in a bit closer as well until someone pulled him back.

"Come on!" Harry yelled. I giggled as Zayn groaned and ran with his brother. The girls all giggled and stood besodes me as they fangirled over that little moment.

"He is cute." JJ smiled at me. I laughed and looked at the ground as they inlocked their arms with mine as we walked in the jungle. We followed the boys and their aunt as Owen checked the perimeter to see if it was clear.

Zayn kept looking back at me every once on a while and gave me small smiles as the girls and I walked together. I giggled and looked atbthe ground, reminding myself that he had a girlfriend. Sadly he does.

"Stop staring." Harry said pulling on his brothers arm.

"I can stare all I want." He said gritting his teeth and chuckling. Harry also looled back and winked at Naomi, making her blush even more.

I unlocked my arms and ran to Harry and whispered in his ear.

"Go talk to her. She likes you too." I whispered as I looked at my best friend. Harry gasped and looked at me with his green eyes as his smile grew bigger. I messed around with his hair and encouraged him to go talk to Naomi.

"So, you like helping people." Zayn chuckled as he looked at me with amazment. "Only the ones who need it the most." I said winking at him and giggled. He laughed and walked with me as we made it to the facility before anything else happened.


"You really think this will work?" Katie asked as we walked into the hidden facility that had my raptors in.

"I hope so. My raptors really hate Ben but we will have to see." I sighed as I saw my best friend, Barry.

"Owen! So good to see you." Barry chuckled as he gave me a bro hug.

"We will need to get ready before night fall." I said as I looked at my watch.

"How much time we have?" Barry asked as he looked at me with confusion.

"No enough." I sighed.

Yess! Update! Please vote and comment :) thanks

Love you guys.

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