Useful Phrases in Taynarchese

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My cat is broken - Tingidaa ribble cat

I come from earth - Stupid I am Earth is

I want a wooden spoon -  Spoony me woodwood ow me give

I didn't mean to crush your dreams - Ha-ha melo crush crush you!

Where is the toilet? - Melo pee pee?

You stole my octopus - Iggle eight legs gone!

I want a cactus! - Melo idiot!

Which way to IKEA? - IKEA nooooo?

Who is the god? - Melo brain poof

Activate ninja powers - Melo Jackie Chan! Waaaa!

Who are you? Slap thee

Never trust an iguana with your kettle - Iguanne NONO! KETTLE HOT! OUCH!


The hoobs are invading - Hoobsville I coming!

You are very pretty - Thou art an ugly slug

You are ugly - Thou art a beautiful rose

Straws are helpful! - Straws go slurpppp

Square jelly beans mean the END OF THE WORLD! -  EEEK!

Whee is the food? - Where be nom nom's?

Leave this planet or die -  Hello

I need a radiator - Iggy cold melo NO LIKEY!

I can't believe you just did that you insane nutter/weirdo/carrot! -  Oh My Squash!

I have Bieber Fever - De toddlers ih coming!

You evil man who calls people bigots grrr! - Yaw Gordon Brown yaw!

I've already got socks -  Melo feet iggy no no cold!

No you small annoying worm faced gerbil! - Noivy worm squeak!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2011 ⏰

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