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Algraedyr (pronounced al-gray-dar)

Algraedyr is a fairly large country, and the last to be explained in our guide. Algraedyr is home to the largest tribe, the Algraedyns. The Algraedyns refuse to trade with other countries, but will happily sneak in at night and steal what they require.

Despite its surroundings, the weather on Algraedyr is mainly in between fifteen and twenty degrees Celsius, and rarely drops below or goes above that range. The balance between sun, rain and cloud cover is fairly equal, yet it never snows in Algraedyr.

The people of Algraedyr are brought up to steal what they want, when they want. Because of this law, none of them are ever prosecuted, even if they are caught. The Algraedyans are a savage people, and are taught from a young age how to handle weapons such as crossbows, bow and arrows, swords, lances, trebuchets, catapults and slingshots.

The Algraedyans worship Keith, the God of war. Every evening at the dead of night, the take a spear each and go on a hunting trip, then sacrifice the largest animal that they find to Keith.

The animals that the Algraedyns keep are all used for either sacrifice or for food. These are either cows, sheep, pigs, or rabbits. 

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