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Name: Lindsey Donna Joey Dean Star Diamond

Age: 15

Birthday: July 4

Blood Type: O

Height: 5'0"

Hair Color: Gold

Hair Length: Long

Eye Color: Whitish silver

Likes: Katanas, singing, and sketching backgrounds. Physical activities and books. She plays the violin and piano along with other instruments.

Dislikes: Bullies, loud mouths, and people talking bad about her friends/family.

Fears: Being left alone and she's very claustrophobic if she's in a small room with the door closed she panics. People finding out what she is and that they'll call her a freak. Thunderstorms.

Personality: She's very shy and relies on her sister for protection. She's an angel whose weapon is a katana. She can summon the blade from her forearm. (Like Aner from Durarara aka the slasher) She loves everything and everyone. She's very nice to people once you know her but until then she doesn't talk very much.

Past: Growing up life was pretty well being apart of a rich family. Both her parents worked causing them to grow distance leading up to the current battle in custody over the three siblings. The parents divorced but stayed on good terms for their kids. She was very social when she was younger but after an 'incident' she grew up to be shy around people.

Hobbies: Loves sports and drawing. She's plays instruments and sings when she's by herself.

Sex: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Family: Mother, father, sister, and brother.

Family Description: Mother- Courtney Bowmen is a business woman. She's big on family but barely had time for any of them. She's very kind and caring towards everyone. She'll do anything for the sake of family. She reverted back to her maiden name after the divorce.

Father- Jonathan is a hard time business man. He's also a family man but things didn't work out between them and they divorced. When he's at work he can be a little grumpy if he hasn't slept. He wants to make sure his son and daughters are happy all the time.

Sister- Melody is Lindsey's twin sister. She has dark blue hair with black eyes. She's the older twin and has a completely different personality from Lindsey.

Brother- Bradley is the eldest sibling. He has crimson red hair and eyes. He's older but only by year. Bradley is a huge flirt towards all the girls but if he has a girlfriend he stays loyal to them. He's really over protective to his younger siblings and has his familiar follow them around to protect them.

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