Something You Don't Know

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Third person POV

Mibuchi kept trying to get up with Bradley but he couldn't.

"Come on, Kody. Answer me." Mibuchi mutters trying to call him again. "Why won't he answer?" He just threw his phone on his bed. "What did he even mean 'I know what it meant to me.'" He lays back in bed looking up at the ceil. Bradley's words were playing in his head again. 'I need you to think what it meant for you. I'll stay away from you for awhile to let you figure out your feelings.' "Kody, what did you mean?" He fell asleep thinking about what Bradley meant.

Melody was at Momoi's ranting about her step mother and Akashi. "The bitch just started calling Lindsey a slut as soon as we walked in the door. I had to do something, I wasn't going to let her say that and walk away. I just hate her. Why can't dad see how she treats us?" She sighs holding her head in her hands. "I want to go back to mom. I want to go back to New York." Momoi sits down and rubs her back. "I don't want to marry Seijūrō. I don't have feelings for him. I'm a demon for fucks sake. How am I to marry someone if they don't know what I am?"

"It's ok Ivy-san. You should tell him. Maybe he will accept what you are. Things will work out." Melody looks up at her.

"How am I suppose to tell him? Walk up and be like 'oh, sup Seijūrō how's it going? Oh, by the way I'm a demon. Have you studied for the up coming test?'" Momoi couldn't help but chuckle.

"That's funny." She says. Melody just looks at her. "Gomen. This is Akashi we're talking about. He usually has ways of knowing stuff. He probably already knows." She says.

"I will think about it." The two girls soon go to bed to get ready for school tomorrow.

(At school)

Melody was walking down the hall with a boy hitting on her and he wouldn't stop. Akashi saw it and walked up to them. He slipped a hand around her waist pulling her into him. He smashed their lips together kissing her. Her eyes widened in the kiss. The boy frowned looking at them.

"Oh, you're with Akashi-kun." He went away and Akashi pulled away from her lips only to be smacked. She turned her back on him touching her lips.

"What the hell Seijūrō?" She asked.

"He was hitting on you. No one can have you but me."

"I don't agree with this arranged marriage. I'm not someone's property!" She turns back yelling at him. He pulls her into a closet to argue with her so no one else steps in.

"I don't agree with it either. I couldn't get out of it even if I tried." He said.

"You're such a prick! I can't believe you stole my first kiss like that. I wanted it to be with someone I love not you." She spat. They continue arguing. Akashi grabs her shoulders smashing his lips back to hers to shut her up. He was starting to get a headache from arguing. Her mind went blank with him kissing her. He holds her back against the wall. He pulls his lips back seeing her red face.

"Now, shut up. We have to get to class." He says. "We will continue this tonight." They walk out going to class. Neither of them would look at the other. The school day flies by and soon they are out on the beach arguing again. They sit on a blanket with their backs to the other.

"I hate this." She says.

"It's not that bad." He says. They've finally calmed down after fighting but now they are being awkward. Akashi would have done something to be romantic and all but he couldn't think of anything from the fight earlier. He tries to get along with her but he just can't with her personality and where she won't give any to try getting along with him.

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