Flying to Japan

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Yep, great way to start this story off by missing the first day it was meant to be updated since it first began. -note the sarcasm- Anyways, let's just get started.

Third person POV

Dark and lonely. Melody, the middle child of the Diamond family, was sound asleep during a thunderstorm. Her siblings, Lindsey and Bradley, were awake in their rooms. Lindsey was awake in her room scared of the storm trying to hide under her blanket. Bradley was in his room playing video games with a husky sitting at the foot of his bed when he heard a loud crack of thunder. With the loud crack of thunder Lindsey ran out of her room going to Bradley's with tears streaming down her face. She already knew her sister wouldn't wake up. A sigh escapes Bradley's lips as he pauses his game and walks to the door. He opens it and a minute later Lindsey runs in hugging him around the waist crying, she was shaking in his embrace.

"It's ok Lindsey." He shushes her. Bradley is 6'2" while Lindsey is 5'. He just picks her up holding her. "Storms can't hurt you." He tells her. He walks over to his bed lying her down. He takes his wireless controller to the head of the bed and lounges next to Lindsey. The dog lies down looking at the tv. She cuddles into his side sniffling.

"I'm scared." Her chime like voice sounds.

"It'll be ok. The storm will end soon." About an hour passes before Bradley turns his game system off and holds Lindsey to him. She was still awake. "Get some sleep. We have to pack tomorrow." She slightly nods and after a few she falls asleep. He soon falls asleep himself with the dog going to sleep at the foot.

(Next morning)

Lindsey was the first one up of the siblings. She carefully crawls out of her brothers bed leaving him to sleep. She went to her room and started packing everything up. The three siblings were going to be leaving for Japan tomorrow to live with their father. See, their parents grew apart and divorced. Since then they stayed on good terms but they did fight for custody over them. All three of them ended up in their father's custody. They were to leave early the next morning. After about an hour of packing Lindsey goes downstairs to eat breakfast. She sits at the table; soon a plate of bacon, waffles, and orange juice was set in front of her. She smiled at the maid.

"Thank you." She says. The maid nods her head in recognition before leaving to continue work. While she was eating a butler ended up going in Bradley's room waking him up. It took a few minutes but he woke up. Bradley went downstairs joining Lindsey in eating breakfast. Melody was the only one sleeping still but her maid enters the room.

"Miss Diamond, it is time to wake up. You must get up. There's much to do today." She says. Melody doesn't move any. The maid resulted to trying to pull the blankets off only for her to cling to them. "Miss Diamond if you don't get up I will get cold water." She ended up bundled in the blanket cause the maid let it go. She walked to the bathroom getting her bucket and filling it with cold water. She walked back in throwing the cold water on her. She shot up out of bed screaming. Downstairs you could hear her scream.

"Oh, Mel is up." Lindsey says like it's normal, which it is. Bradley chuckles a little.

"We will have to tell the maid in Japan she gets to use force to wake her up." Bradley says. Melody soon comes downstairs with water dripping from her hair and clothes.

"Morning Mel." Lindsey says smiling.

"What's so good about it? I'm drenched!" She raised her voice. Lindsey and Bradley knew she isn't mad at them. She's just not a morning person and is bitchy of the mornings when you wake her up. She sits at the table forming a puddle of cold water under her. "What's for breakfast?" She asked.

"Bacon, waffles, and orange juice." Bradley tells her. A plate is set in front of her and she starts eating. After awhile they all go up to their rooms to finish or start packing. Lindsey finished packing first and went to help her twin sister. Although they're twins they look nothing alike. Melody is 5'7", short; dark blue hair, black eyes, and has an attitude with bite to it. Well, Lindsey is the opposite. She's 5', long; blonde hair, whitish silver eyes, and a shy personality that adds to her being innocent. After awhile they all finish packing and are sitting in the living room.

"When's mom getting home?" Lindsey asked.

"In a few minutes. She said she'd be running late." Melody tells her. Soon their mother gets home. She hugged all three of them.

"I'm going to miss you three. Look out for them Bradley. You know Melody is just naturally cranky to everyone. Be sure they don't get busted."

"I will mom. Don't worry about it."

"Remember that I love you guys." She tells them kissing all of their foreheads.

"We love you too mom." The girls say together. See, their mother is half angel and half witch. Their father is half demon and half warlock. Melody is half witch and half demon like her dad. Lindsey is half angel and half witch like her mother. Bradley is half warlock and half demon. He does have wings that's mixed between angel and demon also. Their mother let's them go to bed for the night.

(Early the next day)

It was very early in the morning but they were at the airport. All of their baggage is in the private jet. Lindsey was on Bradley's back sleeping because they didn't trust her walking. She has a horrible sense of direction and gets lost, a lot. They get on the jet and he places her in her room. Melody is sitting in a comfy seat watching anime, Black Butler to be exact. She loves Sebastian in it where he's a demon. Bradley sat in his room playing GTA5. The two siblings that's awake just chilled waiting to land in Japan.

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