Perfect Date Himuro Said NOT!!

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Third person POV

(Three days after Lindsey started dating Murasakibara)

Everyone was walking down the street heading to Mija burger. Lindsey and Murasakibara were holding hands. Melody and Akashi were arguing on the way while everyone was watching them. Bradley and Mibuchi were talking with each other.

"What are they arguing about this time?" Riko asked.

"I honestly don't know." Imayoshi says. "I think they just fight to be fighting."

"Sounds about right." Midorima says. They continued walking until Josh showed up. He tried talking to Lindsey, but Melody Sparta kicked him again into a building.

"I'm just going to go get lost. Come find me when you're done." She left going around a corner. Melody glared at Josh.

"I thought I told you the other day to stay away from Lindsey?" Bradley was now beside Melody.

"You still can't say who she can date. Lindsey is her own person."

"I know. I can say what I think and her boyfriend would agree with me on you staying away from her." Melody's phone started ringing. "Domo?"

"Mel, I'm lost."

"You haven't even been gone two minutes and you're lost?!"

"I went around the corner and now there's drug deals going on around me." Melody face palmed.

"Don't just stand there then." She looked back at the others. "I gotta go find Lindsey before something goes down. Murasakibara, Himuro, crush him for me." She starts walking off talking to Lindsey. Momoi looked at Josh.

"So, this is Joein's ex?" Himuro nodded. Momoi slapped him before joining Melody in looking for Lindsey.

"I'm guessing she knows about what happened between them." Himuro says. Murasakibara was glaring at him.

"Lin-chin is mine. You're not touching her again." You could feel the dangerous aura around him. Josh left and they continued onto Mija burger. Melody soon found Lindsey with Momoi. They then go to Mija burger to hang with the guys.

(Time skip a week)

Murasakibara wanted to take Lindsey out but didn't know what to do. He had Himuro help him out. Himuro planned everything out for them so everything would be perfect. He wrote everything down that they would do so Murasakibara could pick what they do. Once done with the list, he gave it to him, and Murasakibara picked three things for them to do. The first thing was to go to Maji burger for milkshakes, then go to the park for awhile, and after everything go to a movie. He asked Lindsey to keep Saturday open for their date and she agreed. After the text Lindsey turned her phone off because of Josh calling her again.

(Time skip to their date)

Lindsey dressed in baby blue skinny jeans with a white shirt that had a turtle on it. She teleported to a place where he told her to wait for him so she didn't get lost. When he got there they walked hand in hand to Maji burger. He ordered them both milkshakes and they waited for them to be ready. They were sitting at a table talking. When their shakes were done they walked to the park to hang for a while.

"Atsushi push me on the swings." She grabbed his hand dragging him to the swings with her. She sat down and he pushed her lightly. "It's so pretty out today." Lindsey was looking up at the sky. The sun was out and there was clouds in the sky.



"I ran out of snacks." She sighed grabbing his hand.

"Let's go get some more before we go to the movies." He nodded. They walked to the store that was close to the park. After they walked in Murasakibara got some chips, candies, and two Popsicles for them. When he finished paying they began to walk out. As they walked out it began pouring the rain soaking Lindsey and Murasakibara. (Perfect date Himuro said. It will be fun Himuro said. -.- lol I think not -both authors XD)

"My house is close by Lin-chin. We can watch a movie there." She nodded. He picked her up on his back and they went to his house to get out of the rain. He sat Lindsey down while he went to get popcorn started. Lindsey's clothes were soaked. Since she had light blue jeans and a white shirt on her clothes were see through. Murasakibara walked in seeing that and blushed. He covered his eyes. "Lin-chan go to my room and find something to change into." She nodded leaving. He picked out a Disney movie for them to watch. She came down holding her soaked clothes while wearing one of Murasakibara's sweatshirts.

"Where do I put these?" He pointed towards the dryer and she nodded. Once the movie started Lindsey snuggled into Murasakibara's side. They cuddled on the couch watching the movie, and Lindsey fell asleep before the ending. He noticed taking her to his room laying her on the bed. Murasakibara kissed her forehead grabbing his phone. With that he made a call.

"Domo?" Melody asked yawning.


"Oh, domo Murasakibara what's up?"

"It started raining so Lin-chin is over here. She fell asleep."

"Oh she can stay there until tomorrow. Just don't do anything."

"What would I do?" He asked a little confused. Melody face palmed.

"Nothing I was talking to myself."

"Bye Ivy-chin."

"Bye." Murasakibara lays down next to her wrapping his arms around her. Sometime in the middle of the night it started to storm and Lindsey woke up crying. He sleepily woke up.

"What's wrong Lin-chin?"

"Gomen." She mumbled. He pulled her on his lap and placed his head on hers. "I hate storms."

"It's okay. Don't cry." He wiped her tears away and she turned around burying her face in his chest. They stayed like that until Lindsey was asleep again. He lays back bringing them both down. Lindsey's pendant came off causing her wings to come out. After Murasakibara found her pendant he put it back on causing her wings to go away. She had both of her arms around his arm holding onto him. Murasakibara smiled slightly kissing her forehead before falling asleep. That was the first night Lindsey didn't have nightmares.

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