Chapter 1 - Liar Liar

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Why, hello there! I see you've come across my story, and this is the part where you decide to read it or not.

I really hope you read it! It was a blast to write and I hope you enjoy it!.

Chapter 1 is a little heavy to set the plot line but I promise the other chapters are far better.

Hope you enjoy it!

"I win... Again"

The large HD screen replayed the goal in slow motion, showing the little digital football flying into the net. Laurent cussed and dropped his controller in defeat. "You beat me in FIFA but I gonna kill your ass in the club tonight" he said, groaning before laying back and stretching his lengthy arms across the large sofa.

Larry snickered and started with his own playful comeback when the phone rang. Their manager briskly entered the room, her heels clicking against the hardwood floor, and answered the phone in her cool professional voice.

"Hello, this is Alice Neill, manager of Les Twins, how may I help you today?".

Larry was trying to figure out which of the five remotes had the controls to lower the volume so that poor Alice didn't have to bellow over the blaring noise of the TV when Laurent tapped his shoulder and gestured towards their manager. Larry turned around to see Alice in a way he had never seen her before. Her eyes were wide in shock and her jaw had dropped. She was utterly frozen in fear.

She caught herself and immediately began mumbling words into the phone that neither Laurent nor Larry could make out. They gave each other a knowing look, the same look they have been giving each other the past week every time Alice had received mysterious phone calls that she refused to tell the twins about. They respected her privacy of course, but after having her as their manager for years, they had grown to care about her and worry about what she may be going through.

Just the night before, Larry and Laurent had made up a list of possible explanations. She had married her long-term boyfriend last spring, but she had skipped out on the honeymoon to continue the world tour with the twins. If their marriage was starting to crumble, the brothers would feel responsible and the guilt would be overwhelming. "Maybe something wrong with her Mama" Larry had wondered, but their friendship with Alice was so tight they were sure she would have said something if her mother was not ok.

Alice had always been the calm one, the one who could handle the messiest situations professionally and with elegance. If this new situation has her this worried, there was something very very wrong. Larry and Laurent could feel it in their bones.

After a few minutes of mumbling back and forth with the strange caller, Alice clanked the phone back on the receiver with slightly more force than necessary. She faced the twins and composed herself, even faking a smile. As part of her profession was to be a really good actress, this came easy. Larry and Laurent smiled back but she could see their eyes tinged with concern. She never intended for them to worry for her but she knew she couldn't control everything. No matter how hard she tries.

"So are you ready for the club tonight?" she asked, faking enthusiasm. To her relief the tension eased as Larry hooted and Laurent replied with the usual "We ready, but you not ready". That's what she loved about them. Any mention of clubs or stages or great music is enough to drown out the negativity and replace it with the passion they have for dance.

"Well then, your limo is waiting for you downstairs" 

The club was jam packed with people dressed in flashy clothes. The scent of rich perfume and sweat swept over to greet the brothers. The colourful lights danced and sparkled across the large room and the heavy bass from the large speakers made their ears go numb. This was where they belonged. As soon as the people spotted the ever so famous Larry and Laurent Bourgeois enter the hall, the usual frantic screaming began as the crowd moulded around their dance idols. Immediately, the music changed to one of their favourite songs. Laurent was glad that the DJ did his research before their arrival, even though they probably could have danced to any song that was playing.

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