Chapter 13 - Grief

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~ Rewind ~

Vivian held a fighting stance while Alice stood there, smiling and pointing the gun at her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Larry and Laurent run until they disappeared down the street. Once they were gone, she relaxed her arms in a surrender. Even with the gun pointed at her, she all she could feel was relief. The twins were safe. Alice tilted her head with confusion at the happy look on Vivian's face.

"Let's just talk" Vivian said, eyeing Alice with caution. "Lower the gun, let's just talk this out"

Alice didn't move.

"Okay then" Vivian replied awkwardly at her non-compliance. Her nerves started spiking as her body understood it was at the mercy of Alice's finger on the trigger, but taking deep breaths she calmed herself.

"There's no need to fight. You've got the money, you can just leave me and the twins alone." she continued.

Alice shook her head, still smiling. "It's not that simple, sweetheart. Why do you think I orchestrated all those attacks back in the States? Because this isn't about the money. This is about revenge. I want to see Larry and Laurent suffer."

Her voice growled at the last word, and her hand clenched the gun tighter. Vivian's heart lurched at the pure hatred in her voice.

"They've suffered enough. They've lost all their money, and they've lost you. That's already more pain than they can take. Let's just move on" Vivian suggested, her eyes still on the gun.

"But..." Alice looked up at the sky, as if in thought. "That isn't enough. I'm not satisfied."she concluded, biting her lip.

Vivian groaned inwardly. Bargaining with Alice was like yelling at a brick wall.

Alice turned her gaze towards Vivian.

"Their pain doesn't even match up to what I felt. They need to feel as if their heart had been torn out of their chest, they need to feel weakened and guilty and numb. Perhaps I need to kill someone they care about. And for now, you will do" she sneered, cocking the gun.

Vivian's breath hitched at the extreme turn in the conversation. In the split second, she reached for the gun in her back pocket, but it was too late.

Alice pulled the trigger.

The bullet whizzed towards her, and she heard the thud of the impact as it hit her, igniting her stomach  with a dull pain. Her gun that she had pulled out of her pocket flew out of her hand, landing at Alice's feet. A red flower blossomed across her abdomen and she clutched at it as a blood curdling scream escaped her mouth. Alice kept talking but Vivian couldn't hear what she said, her ears were still ringing with the sound of gunshot. She fell to the ground as she felt her bodily functions shut down one by one. The smell of blood and gunpowder filled her nostrils. She closed her eyes as she accepted her fate.

They say that in the last moments before death, you experience a flashback of all the defining moments of your life. But Vivian didn't feel that happen. All the defining moments of her life had been horrible and cruel events she wished to forget. So instead, she only saw the face of the man she loved smiling at her, like a ray of hope through the darkness.


As soon as they heard the gunshot, Larry ran as fast his legs could carry him. The thought of Vivian being shot... No it couldn't be her. His heart hammered in his chest and his lungs burned for more air as he gasped. His twists flailed behind him. He didn't hear Laurent following him but he didn't care. All he wanted... needed to know was that Vivian is ok.

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