Chapter One

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The dark canopy of trees were growing darker as the cart moved forward. Through the bars on the window I could see a mansion up on top of the mountain through the trees. I stayed quiet through the journey, my eyes glancing warily at the guards in the back of the cart. The handcuffs on m wrists were beginning to make my skin raw, from trying to get out of them. I looked out the window once more as we were pulling up to the estate.

At the top of the 24 steps leading to the grand front doors, was a young man, blonde hair with vibrant blue eyes. He had a fake smile plastered across his face, his hands clasped behind his back. As soon as the cart stopped, the two guards rushed me, grabbing both my arms and pulling me outside, the setting sun glared in my eyes. I closed my eyes instinctually, letting myself be carried, my feet barely grazing the stone steps.

The guards set me down at the top of the steps in front of the man, who was wearing a tailored grey suit. He seemed taller up close, standing a good foot taller than myself. I avoided eye contact as best I could by looking down at my worn out shoes. They looked dirty and old compared to his expensive, polished, dress shoes.

"Welcome to Hearthwood Manor Ms. Spencer." The man said, attracting my gaze by reaching down to unlock the handcuffs. He offered me his arm, which I stared at for a few moments before hesitantly taking it.

"Please, right this way, I will give you a tour before dinner." He said cheerfully, taking me inside the huge home.


"On your left you will see the main room, thats where most of the patients spend their time." We were standing in the main entrance, standing at the base of a large staircase that led up 32 steps, splitting off into left and right stairwells.

"On your right, we have the main dining hall, which is where you will be going to eat dinner shortly." Grey Suit said, pointing to our right, I looked around the room, the chandelier hung high above our heads, a near 40 feet up. "Right this way please, Ms. Spencer."

He brought me up the stairs to the second floor, which was the living quarters for the patients. Taking a look around, I noticed that there were no paintings on the walls, and the color was very dark. A deep red color. After exploring the hallways a bit, he brought me up to the third floor which had a library, a music room, and a quiet room.

"The fourth floor is not a place admitted to patients, please do not go up to the next floor unless you are given permission or if you are with your nurse." He clarified. He thought for a moment. "Hmm... we seem to be at a short of nurses, so I suppose I will be your 'nurse'." He paused for a moment. I blinked. "Right. Well, this way, I will show you to your room.

We walked back down the staircase to the second floor, he brought me around to the left of the floor, he passed a few rooms, heading towards the back until he stopped in front of a door, marked number 76.

"Here is your room Ms. Spencer," he opened the door, allowing me to go in first. He followed me in, leaving the door open.

The room was small, but big enough for me. It was a room meant for only one person. A bed, and a small dresser in one corner of the room, there was a bookshelf at one wall with a few books on it.

"Please, make yourself as comfortable as you please. I will be back to collect you shortly for dinner." He smiled once more before turning to exit the room, closing the door softly behind him, leaving me to stand in the middle of the room, alone with my thoughts.

I quietly walked over to the bookshelf, picking up the few books that were there. Of course, there was a bible, I flipped it open to a page and read the verse:

Mark 10:52
"Go," said Jesus, "your faith has healed you." Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.

I shut the book and picked up the old, worn book of Edgar Allen Poe poems, I wiped off the dust and layed it on the bed. I picked up the next book of Othello, a story by William Shakespeare.

I walked back over to the bed and picked up the poetry book, I flipped to a random page and read the poem there on the right:

In visions of the dark night

I have dreamed of joy departed-

But a waking dream of life and light

Hath left me broken-hearted.

Ah! what is not a dream by day

To him whose eyes are cast

On things around him with a ray

Turned back upon the past?

That holy dream-that holy dream,

While all the world were chiding,

Hath cheered me as a lovely beam

A lonely spirit guiding.

What though that light, thro' storm and night,

So trembled from afar-

What could there be more purely bright

In Truth's day-star?

I continued to read for many minutes until I felt my eyelids become heavy with sleep, I layed back onto the pillow. Not bothering to cover with the blanket. I fell asleep within minutes, succumbing myself to the darkness of my dreams.

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