Chapter Eighteen

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That's the name I woke up thinking of. I knew that name. I couldnt match the name with a face, but I knew that name.

I lost part of my memory.

I remembered that much too.

As I layed on my bed, I tried to dig deeper into my thoughts but it hurt. The white-hot pain that went through my head when I tried to think further.

I heard my door open and I looked to the right and I saw a dark figure with messy hair, he came forward and kneeled down next to my bed, the light of the rising sun washing across his features.

"Luke." I whispered, matching the name with his face. He smiled, a smile almost as bright as the sun.

"Avalon, do you remember?" He asked hopefully.

I shook my head, "I know your name but thats it."

He then continued in the speech, his voice softer and more filled with longing and love. Once he finished I felt a tear slip down my cheek.

"Why are you crying?" He asked softly, catching the single tear on his finger.

"Because I cant remember being in love with you." I whispered.


The dress was beautiful, and it seemed like he knew me pretty well because it was old fashioned, and a nice green that complimented my hair very well. I stood in front of the mirror and stared at myself. I looked beautiful, and the dressed helped.

I stared at myself and I saw a shadow behind me, a dark figure, looking down so all I saw was the dark head of hair.

"Who are you?" I asked calmly.

The man looked up, his eyes bringing back horrible memories that made me fall to my knees and scream. The sense of white hot pain coursed through my body and I felt the remains of handcuffs, binds, chains, on my wrists and arms and ankles. I felt a choking force in my mouth and the taste of dirty cloth on my tongue.

I didnt like this feeling, I tried to shut my eyes to rid of these memories. It didnt work. When I opened my eyes I was in a darkened room, the floor made of dirt, a single window on the wall next to me, illuminating a single spot on the ground. I heard the slide of a bar and I looked up to see a door opening letting in more light.

A dark figure walked into the room and closed the door behind him. He walked over to me, knelt down and looked me in the eyes. His green eyes looked warm, but as I stared into them all I felt was cold and pain.

"Michael?" I asked softly, reaching up to caress my hand against his cheek, I felt the rough feeling of stubble against his face.

"Don't touch me Ava... you betrayed me, you went against my word and told the authorities to take you away. You were my favorite Ava!" He shouted, jerking away from my hand.

"I'm sorry Michael..." I whispered, looking down at the clothed shoes on my feet, a hole forming on the side. The dress I wore was dirty and ripped, showing how much wear it went through.

"Dont Ava." He yelled shakily, he turned quickly, thinking that I hadnt seen the tears that escaped from his eyes. "Go back to your lover. Cower away from him, because you know you'll never let him touch you like I did. You're too afraid." He said knowingly.

"Because you made me this way!" I yelled at his back, watching as it tensed. He turned around but I was already continuing. "You put me through Hell! I told you multiple times that I didnt like any of the shít you put me through, but you still did it! You tortured me, you forced me to do things that I didnt want to do!" I screamed, feeling the hoarseness in my voice forming. "You scarred me, Michael..." My voice cracked. "And you still havent left, you have me trapped in the past, unable to move on from you, because I did love you Michael. I loved you more than I loved myself, but you're the one who betrayed me Michael." I said softer, "You. Betrayed. Me."

He stayed silent, his eyes focused on mine, and this time I didnt look away. I blinked and I was back in the mansion, staring at my reflection, my posture was better, my eyes brighter. I was still missing something though, the whole in my chest was still there, but it was warmer than it had been in a long time.


Once I took the dress off and exited the room, I was met with a nurse who I did not know.

"Good evening Ms. Spencer, I was instructed by Mr. Hemmings to not have you see him or he see you until the dance tomorrow night." She smiled at me, her hands clasped in front of her, very uniformly.

I nodded, my throat closing.

There was an awkward hesitation, her smile fading slightly, then she cleared her throat, straightened her smile and spoke, "I was instructed to take you into the dining hall for dinner and then take you straight to bed."

I nodded, smiling at her. Her shoulders relaxed and her brown eyes lightened. She smiled at me and her smile seemed more real than before.

"My name's Laura." She said, walking with me towards the dining hall.

I looked over at her, keeping a pace with her. After a long pause I took a deep breath and told her my name.

"I'm Avalon."

A/N: I know I said I would try to update as soon as I could, but I've been going through some really... depressing moments and I havent been able to write as much.

I hope you like this chapter though, please vote and comment what you did and didnt like.

Thank you for reading.

I'm not sure when I'll update next, like I said, I'm really sad and I have no idea why... I'm sorry. I'll update as soon as I'm able to.


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