Chapter Five

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"Call me Avalon."

I hadnt spoken in months, and here I was, speaking. Mr. Hemmings wasn't the only one taken by surprise, I didn't expect the words to come out of my mouth either.

"Well then, Avalon. It's nice to hear your beautiful voice." He whispered to me, his blue eyes shining.

I smiled at him, I'd been doing that a lot, ever since I met him. My normality would be to just stare at everyone. Yet, here I was, doing everything out of the ordinary.

"Avalon," The way my name rolled off his tongue gave me chills, that was strange. "This is quite a surprise."

I raised one eyebrow. Apparently, those three words were all I couls get out, or I still couldnt force myself to speak.

"Hmm... what I meant by that was that I didnt expect you to speak to me anytime soon." He said, bringing a hand up to his face.

I looked down at my hands, blushing from his intense stare.

What? First, I was smiling a lot and actually keeping eye contact, and then I got chills when he spoke to me, and now I was blushing. What was he doing to me?

"Ms. Sp-- Avalon. Are you alright?" He asked, when I looked back up at him, his blue gaze held mine.

I coughed, "I- I am fine." I whispered, my voice sounding rough, I guess months of not speaking can do that to your voice.

"I don't want to pressure you into speaking Avalon. If you do not want to talk then you do not have to." He spoke softly to me, gently taking one of my hands into his. I felt an uneasyness in my abdomen, and I liked it.

I enjoyed feeling his touch, even in a simple gesture like this. Ever since I arrived here, I know it has not been that long, I felt safe for the first time in a long time.

"Mr.-- Mr. Hemmings... can I-- can I share something with you?"

What am I doing?

It didnt seem like I could control my own mouth for once. The words were flowing out as much as they could.

"Yes, of course. Please, call me Luke though, Avalon." He said, releasing my hand and leaning forward on his elbows.

"For the first time... in a very l-long time, I feel safe..." I said quietly, with much complication.

"That's very good to hear--" Mr. Hem-- Luke started to say.

"It's because of you L-Luke." I said quickly, interrupting him.

What the hell was I doing? Why did I say that? I've only known this man for less than two days...

The silence between us was deafening, the look on his face was unreadable. I knew I had made a mistake by speaking, I should have tried harder to keep my mouth shut.

"That makes me very happy to hear you say that Avalon." He said quietly, I could see the thoughts running through his eyes. He wouldnt meet my gaze, though, looking at the ground, leaning back away from me.

"I'm sorry Mr. Hem-- Luke." I said, tripping over his name. "I should not have said anything."

"No." He said quickly, looking up at me, gently taking his hand, I didn't even flinch. There was a new look in his eyes and a different smile on his face. "Do not apologize for anything Avalon."

I nodded slowly, keeping my gaze on his for a moment before forcing my gaze away.

"Avalon..." Luke said softly, bringing a finger up to my jaw, bringing my gaze back to his. His touch sent chills down my spine and a warm feeling in my stomach. His face was closer to me this time and he seemed to be drawing himself closer. I could feel his warm breath on me already and I could feel my heart erratically beating in my chest.

Our lips were centimeters apart when there was a knock on the door and Luke jumped back, running a hand through his hair before heading to the door. I couldnt see who he was talking to, but it was a female.

"Mr. Hemmings, you're needed in your office." The woman said.

Luke glanced at me once before answering her.

"Thank you Emma. I'll be right there." He said kindly, before shutting the door.

He crossed the floor to me, looking down at me from his grand height.

"I will be back shortly... I'm sorry for this, but I will make it quick." He said quietly.

I nodded, looking down at my hands, my face felt hot and I was surely blushing.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Luke kneel down in front of me, leaning in quickly, pressing a soft kiss to my cheek. Then he left through the door, looking at me once before closing the door.

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