Chapter Sixteen

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I escaped from the hospital.

I dont even know why I was in there, but I woke up and I was laying on a hospital bed.

I didnt like it. It was too sterilized. Too... white.

I didnt like the color white. Including this stupid hospital gown I was wearing... why was I wearing this? I dont remember putting this on.

I was in a fancy hallway now, why was I here? What is this place? I thought I was in the hospital, this place looks like a home.

I walked down the stairs, hoping that I would find a person to talk to, but I couldnt see anyone. I could barely see anything. I walked around the main floor and entered the kitchen, the kitchen was too sterilized also. I walked to the back and out the back door to a series of hallways.

Immediately, I was lost. I didnt remember which way I went and I was in a strange room, it didnt look like anything that I had ever seen before, it was white and there was one window, I looked into the window and just saw and empty black space. I looked down for some odd reason and I saw a chair that looked strangely like a dentists chair. I pressed my face against the glass and tried to get a better look. I saw a set of chains hanging off one of the walls, but thats all I could see.

I turned around and tried to ger back to where I was, but it was no use. I was completely lost and I didnt even remember where I was. I heard a voice calling out someones name and I tried to pinpoint the voice. Eventually I walked through a door and was behind the main staircase. I walked into the main area, staring at the main doors which were bigger than I was by at least 10 feet. It would be so easy right now to walk through those doors...

"Avalon." A voice said warily from behind me, I turned around a saw a blonde haired man behind me.

Who was Avalon? Was I Avalon? How come I didnt remember my own name? This man seems to know me, how come I dont remember him?

"Avalon, are you okay?" He said, walking over to me. I stepped back, scared by his confidence. I felt bad because he obviously knew who I was, and I couldnt remember him.

"Avalon?" He repeated, I felt hot tears coming down my cheeks. Something deep inside told me that I knew him, but I couldnt think of his name.

I shook my head, I had no idea who Avalon was... it was probably me, since he kept looking at me, and there was nobody else in the room. I turned back around to try and get away from the man.

"Avalon." He said cautiously now, taking slower steps, approaching me as if I were a wild animal. I didnt like that. "It me Luke." Who's Luke? I didnt know a Luke. "Come on, I'll take you back to your room."

My room? No. If he was speaking of that hospital room, I wouldn't go back. I didnt want to. I shook my head violently, feeling a sharp pain, like someone was cutting into my skull. I saw black spots and a curtain of black fell over my eyes.

I screamed. A blood curdling scream because I couldnt see anything, but I was still conscious. I suddenly felt warm hands embracing me as I fell to the floor, I felt calmer, but I was shaking. It was the man Luke... it had to be, there was nobody else around.

"Avalon, can you hear me?" I nodded my head. I accepted the fact that my name was Avalon, this man wouldnt be calling me that if I wasnt.

"I dont remember anything. What happened? Where am I? Who are you--?" I choked on my words, feeling my throat close in. I attempted to choke out three more words. "I cant see."

"I know honey, it'll be okay. I'm going to bring you back to your room." I felt his arm lift under my legs, the other supporting my back.

"No! Not the hospital. No no!" I said, trying to squirm out of his grasp. His grip immediately tightened.

"No. I'm not bringing you back to the hospital Avalon. I promise. You're going to your own room." He said calmly.

My room? I have my own room. I'm still very confused as to where I was. He hadnt answered my question. He knew who I was, he knew why I was here... wherever here was.

I felt my body being dropped on a bed, I stayed on my side, staring into the noisy blackness of my mind. I still couldnt see anything, but it didnt matter, I was too preoccupied with the millions of questions rifling through my head. I guess Luke, the stranger, must have stayed with me to make sure I was okay because a long time after I "fell asleep", a woman came in.

"Mr. Hemmings." She said, seeming worried.

"Yes? What are the results?" He asked, his voice cracking.

"Her skull is fractured and there is slight bleeding, but that will heal fine." She said, but not long after, Luke asked another question, one that scared me, even though I didnt know what it meant.

"Why can't she remember anything?"

"She has a case of amnesia." The lady said simply.

"How long will it take for it to go away?!" Luke exclaimed quietly.

"Mr. Hemmings... it may never go away."

A/N: Oh my GOODNESS. You have no idea how bad I feel, like I havent updated in forever and I'm so sorry. Please forgive me :(

I have been so stressed out, like I havent even been on wattpad in 2 weeks. I am so sorry. I dont know when I can update again, but I will do it as fast as I can.

Thank you so much for those of you who read this, and those who vote for my story. You guys are the MVP's.

Again, I will try to update soon, and i'm sorry for taking forever.


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