Chapter Twelve

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"Avalon, come on! Come on they're getting closer!" The voice said, I couldnt see who it was, but their voice was familiar. It was too dark, I couldnt even see the hand that was grasping mine, pulling me along.

I ran after the person, following their lead, unsure of what I was running from, but I had a heavy feeling in my chest, knowing that something was wrong.

Luke crossed my mind, where was he? Why wasnt he here? If I was running from something, shouldnt he be here to protect me? That's what had happened in all my previous dreams.

I didnt have time to think about it much because the person in front of me stopped, making me run into them.

"We should be safe here, for now. We can rest, but we have to continue to move before morning. Okay?" The voice said, it was a man, I knew that for sure.

"What happened? What are we running from?" I asked, looking behind me, I saw the mansion behind us, lighting up the night.

"You... you dont remember?" He asked, I saw his face then, since we were close enough, but I didnt recognize him at all.

"No?" I said, worried.

"Dont worry about it right now, I'll tell you in the morning." He said quietly.

"Wait, where's Luke? He should be here..." I asked, pulling away from the man.

"Avalon... do you not remember?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Remember what? How do you know my name? What happened?" I asked furiously, starting to get angry.

"Fûck..." I heard him whisper under his breath. "Listen Avalon.. um... there was an accident." He said loud enough for me to hear.

"No..." I said quietly, tears pricking in my eyes. "No." I repeated louder.

"Shh Avalon, be quiet, they're going to find us." The man tried to make me quiet, reaching a hand out towards me.

"No!" I shouted, pulling away, tears falling down my cheeks. I looked at the stranger with his dark hair and piercing eyes.

Then I ran.


I woke up, my whole body was covered in sweat, and I looked around the darkened room, subconsciously looking for Luke even though I knew he wouldnt be in here. I flung the hot sheets off and got up, heading to my door.

I went out into the hallway, heading for Luke's room. I had a weird feeling in my gut, like I had had a bad dream or something, but I couldnt remember. As I got to Luke's door I could hear shuffling around in his room. I went to knock on the door but it flew open and I got knocked down.

I hit the floor with a body on top of me. A very heavy body with messy blonde hair and blue eyes that were now changing from confusion to panic.

"Oh shít Avalon, I'm so sorry." Luke said quietly, getting off of me and pulling me up.

"It's fine." I said, brushing myself off.

"What are you doing out of your room?" Luke asked, concerned.

"I dont know... I had a bad feeling like I had a bad dream, so I needed to come see you... why did you come running out of your room so fast?" I said.

"Um..." He hesitated, scratching the back of his neck. "I had a bad dream too..."

I wasnt sure if I believed him, I had no reason not to, but there was still the sense of unsureness.

All I did was nod and Luke frowned.

"Sleep in my bed with me please?" He pleaded, taking my hand in his, lightly.

I nodded without hesitation, letting him pull me into his room with him. Once we were laying down in his bed, facing each other, he finally calmed down and smiled at me.

"What?" I asked quietly, smiling back.

"I'm just happy to know you're safe." He said simply.

Safe? Why wouldnt I be safe?

I just nodded and closed my eyes, I felt Luke pull me towards him, his warmth spreading through my bones, making me shiver. I couldnt fall asleep though, and neither could Luke because everytime I opened my eyes and looked at him, his blue eyes were open, staring at the ceiling.

"Luke?" I asked finally.


"Can you tell me about your dream?" I breathed quietly.

I couldnt tell you how long he was silent, but it was more than what was needed. He was deep in thought because he wasnt looking at me but at something else; his eyes were looking at me, but they werent.

"I dont," he started to say, his voice shaking, "I dont think I should tell you yet. Thats not something you need to know right now."

"What do you-"

"Avalon, please." He interrupted, tears forming in his eyes. It was a weird sight, seeing any man cry, but to me, seeing Luke cry was like getting my heart ripped out and crushed.

"Okay." I said quietly, snuggling my face into his chest, breathing in his scent.

Not another word was said that night, or early morning, I wasnt sure what time it was. The only sound in the room was mine and Luke's breathing, falling into sync as I fell asleep to the sound of Luke's heartbeat.

A/N: I wrote this at school, so i apologize if it sucks or went nowhere. I'll try to update soon.

Thank you all for reading this. Xox.

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