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Author's note- 

Hi! This is KhushaliThank you so much for checking out this book.
The book is entirely a work of fiction and resemblance to any characters is purely co-incidental.

Important note -

I appreciate feedback but if you wanna pass mean comments then you are more than welcome to join the line of people I don't give shit about.

Happy reading, fellas ~


|••• Violet's POV •••|

"What the hell do you want?" I ask Jasmine after picking up her call.

I was probably having one of my best dreams where in you are swept off your feet by some Greek God because you know for a fact that it won't be a reality and before you even have time for some fangirling, there's always my best friend to ring me up. She sometimes has the worst of all timings.

"Check the time,you lazy ass!" She practically yells through the phone .

The scowl on my face reluctantly wipes out and I do as she says only to alarm my senses which then realize that its already 7.10 in the morning and I have my school at 7.30 sharp which leaves me only 20 hectic minutes to get dressed up.First day of sophomore year and my chances of getting into detention are probably more than half.

Great, isn't it?

I practically jump out of my bed and rush to the shower with my toileteries.I scrub my body hastily and wrap myself in a towel and all this while wondering how in the hell did I manage to be so quick about it. Once I am done,I wear the very first pair of jeans I spot in my closet with a baggy sweater. Clearing the knots in my hair,I tie them up in a firm bun with a few strands fanning my face.
I run downstairs skipping two stairs at a time and stride towards the kitchen for some quick breakfast.

What? Late or early, food will never be sacrificed. Detention can go and burn in hell.

I hastily grab an apple and run out of the door to see my best friend looking at me with a stern look on her face which is enough to let me know that she is pissed off.

"Violet Anne Taylor ...." I cut her off by dragging her into the car with a sheepish smile on my face and we speed our way to school.She looks out of the window, puffing in annoyance. Seems like I made her wait for quite some time.

We fall into a comfortable silence as I maintain a good enough speed to rush through the familiar lanes on the way to my school. As the scene out the window rolls by and the fresh morning breeze rejuvenates the foulest of moods, my mind diverts its train of thoughts to Wilson High aka drama house. Although I agree that it will be more than amazing to reunite with friends, I am always just a little too wary of it. After all, everyone knows how high school can be. I shake away those thoughts as the gates of my school come in my peripheral vision. I am not a very popular figure and I am almost non existent on the social radar but then again I don't give even a peanut sized damn to it. I have my group of people and as long as they are there, my social life is not at stake. I am just into them and I hardly ever converse with anybody else.
I press the brakes abruptly and Jasmine's hair flies forward due to the jerk. We unbuckle our seat belts and run out of the parking lot. Never knew that I'd be so reckless.

We hurriedly collect our time tables and run through the hallways to our lockers. Glancing through the subjects, I grimace when I realize which lecture I got first.

Wow! Isn't it a great start?

A sincere apology for all those math geeks but I hate the subject with a burning passion. Inwardly groaning,I part ways with Jasmine who runs to her english class. As I breathlessly enter my classroom, I find some familiar faces smiling at me. I return their smiles warmly as I sit down on an empty spot. The teacher has not arrived yet even though the bell rang long back, not that I am complaining.

"Hey Vi! How were your holidays?" I hear the voice of my classmate Mac.

"Hi! They were good. How about you?" I ask him.

Before he could reply, our math teacher whose name as I gathered is Mrs Conner arrives in and starts with the introductions.
She was pretty cool and I did not find maths boring for once.Being the first lecture of maths on the very first day of my tenth grade, my judgement about her cannot be accurate but this period wasn't as much as a sleeping pill as I thought it'd be.

The other lectures went by smoothly too without me being bored out of my mind even though I only had biology with Jasmine. All in all, my day was going pretty good and I did not bump into any kind of drama which gave me a little hope that my whole year can be as smooth as this but then my conscious just reminded me how skyrocketing my expectations are.

School life is just unbelievably unpredictable.


A/N -

I hope that was a good start . I will ensure that the next chapters are bigger than this .

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Love always ,


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