chapter - 30

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Violet's POV -

Ever experienced something called as ' land sliding beneath your feet ' or ' your jaw stuck to the floor ' or your eyes growing as wide as the ocean ' ?

( P.S : I have an amazing imagination , I know ! )

Trust me , its not a good experience.

I stare at Sam with my mouth agape in shock.

" Are ...are you ev..even serious ? I mean , do you know what you're saying ?" I ask in total disbelief.

" You think I ll lie about my mom ?" He incredulously asks me.

" Sorry ! I am ju..just in total daze." I say , making hand gestures.

" How do you know her ?" He asks me softly.

" She is my mom's best friend and was a great help to me in this competition. We have gone out once and that's how I know Shane. He was introduced to me as her son. Are you....are you two brothers ?" I ask him , unsurely.

" No !" He snaps at me but quickly changes his tone ," Gabrielle is my and Calvin's biological mother." He sighs heavily.

" What really happened ?" I ask him , irritated by the constant beating around the bush.

" Remember the photo of the teen girl you saw in my drawer twice while cleaning it ? You thought it looked familiar." He says , catching me off-guard.

" Uh...yeah . I do." I nod.

" That is Gabrielle's photo. That is the only thing I have of her." He sighs with a distant look on his face.

" What do you mean ?" I ask him curiously.

" Its a long story." He says.

" And I have a lot of time." I say , looking at the imaginary watch on my wrist.

He glances at me with a meek smile and sighs . I smile back while holding his arm and dragging him back inside. We sit on the sofa near the stage and fall into a deep silence.

" I hate interruptions." He sternly says after while.

I nod vehemently .

He finally kills the suspense , "Gabrielle was a big name in the fashion industry. Her base was in London. My dad was a hotshot in the oil and petroleum business. Both my parents were top-notch entrepreneurs and naturally were very , very busy. I was just six months old when Gabrielle handed me to Amelia. Just six months. Ironically , I used to hate her first. I used to think why do I need her when I have my own mom to tell me bedtime stories ?
Why do I need her when I have my own mom to change my diapers ?
Why do I need her when I have my own mom to prepare me my favorite lasagna ?
Why do I need her when I have my mom to take care of me ?
But I was proved wrong. I only realized later. I saw my parents only thrice a year.
1- My birthday.
2- Thanksgiving.
3- Christmas eve.
That too was very formal. They gave me this palace with all its comforts and luxuries but they never understood that I didnt want this whole freaking house . I wanted my parents , their time , their attention . Alas ! I never got it. It was always Amelia. I remember the day when I finally accepted her. She was so happy that she started crying. Gabrielle had a house in London while my dad had his own abode in New York. Even though I started treating Amelia my mother , I still had hope. A flicker of hope. My hope was fueled even more five years ago. Gabrielle was pregnant with Calvin which left all of us overjoyed . I thought maybe she would lessen her business commitments and would get her priorities straight . She proved me wrong again . Hope is a bitch , I swear ! She left for London as soon as Calvin turned five months old. Amelia brought him up just as she did to me. I had accepted Amelia but never felt the motherly affection for her. But after Calvin , it was as if she became my mother in complete sense. Three years ago , our family faced a blow. Well , not a family actually. But atleast we shared a last name and that counts to something. Gabrielle claimed for separation from my father. The reason stated by her was she fell in love with Lucas Mayer whom she met in London . Lucas Mayer is Shane's father. My dad was devastated by it. Like he literally lost it . He loved my mom way too much to let her go. Gabrielle made him understand but he did not agree for separation. After her failed attempts , Lucas stepped into the scene . He tried his ways to explain my father. Initially dad did not budge but later on finally relented." He closes his eyes for a moment.
I wait for him to continue.

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