chapter 39

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A/N -

This is probably the second last chapter of this book and quite an awaited one , might I add. I would like to thank everybody who supported and kept me going and a tight hug to all those who nominated my book in the previous mentioned awards *hands you a bottle of nutella*
Happy reading :)


Violet's POV -

" Its almost been a week now." I sigh in irritation.

" What I dont get is why cant you just confront him about it ? He must feel so terrible about the fact that he is kept away from something he deserves to know." Jasmine argues.

" She did the right thing , Jazz. We cannot possibly let him know about it." Michael defends me like usual. The guy has become so close in such a short span.

" If she did the right thing then why is she so much bothered ?" Jasmine asks defiantly.

" His ignorance is bothering me , Jazz. He has been behaving as if I am non-existent lately." I sigh once again.

" Well , it is his loss. If not telling him is what you think right then so be it. I was just sorta feeling bad for him hence I said about the confrontation." Jasmine shrugs.

" I get it , Jazz. We all feel bad about it and no one but God knows how desperate I am for him to get his memory back." I whisper.

" He will come around , V." Michael pats my shoulder.

" Did he by any chance so much as even mention my name ?" I ask him hopefully.

" Yes , he did. He questioned me too and without a doubt I had to lie." Michael sighs.

" I want this to end. I am tired of Violet being all the time caught up about it." Jasmine speaks up.

" I am not all the time bothered Jazz. By the way , look at the time. Your lover boy must be waiting." I say , pointing at her wrist watch.

" He is not my lover boy." Jasmine glares at me. Me and Michael couldn't help but snicker at it.

" Keep saying that to yourself a hundred times and still it wouldn't be true." I say , smiling slyly.

Jasmine chooses to ignore us and walk away , slightly stomping her foot.

" God knows what's stopping her." Michael murmurs and I 'hmm' in response.

" Zach is planning to ask her out." Michael says , while we walk out of the school corridor.

" I know about his plans Mike. He said that to me the other day." I say .

" I just hope she gives him a chance. That guy is crazy for her and she is in denial." Michael says.

" Bro , she has to. I will make sure of it." I say , assuring him to which he grins at me.


" It wont be long now. We expect him to be perfectly alright in the earliest of time , precisely in the coming weeks." The doctor says and I hear Amy heave a sigh of relief.

" Thankyou so much doctor. You agreed to let us consult you in such short notice." I say , formally.

" No need to thank me , Miss Taylor. By the way , I have something which you would want to know." The doctor says solemnly.

" What is it ?" Amy asks as we look towards him in anticipation.

" There is some lady by the name Gabrielle who has been trying constantly for the past few days to contact you and ask about Sam's health. Upon interrogation , she refused to reveal her relation with the patient. Naturally , we haven't provided any information due to the patient-doctor confidentiality clause." He says .

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