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|••• Violet 's POV •••|

Besides love, all I really really want is to get up anytime I want but obviously this cruel world has made sure that I suffer enough to not have such juvenile fantasies. The alarm rings causing me to groan. They are right about Mondays. Its seriously the worst day of the week. It goes so excruciatingly slow while the weekend passed by in a jiffy. I had spent most of my time with my novels and then Jasmine had called me for a hangout yesterday. Apparently, she and Shane almost kissed later that night and she was on cloud nine. I bet she will be ever ready for school today. I sigh stretching my arms and finally decide to get rid of my super tempting comforter. Grabbing my toiletries, I make my way to the shower.

After rinsing off the laziness out of my body, I take out my hoodie and pair it with a leggings. My hair is as usual up in a messy bun with annoying strands fanning my face. Suddenly, my phone rings.

And we danced all night to the best song ever .....

I needn't even check the ID to see its Tessa.

"Morning Vi!" She says cheerfully when I pick up.

"Hey T! What's up?" I ask her.

"Nothing. I was wondering whether you'd drop me off at school..." She trails off.

"Sure but you normally have your ride with Smith so why the sudden change in plan?" I ask curiously.

"Ummm .....nothing. Its really no-nothing. I just wanted to come with you guys." She stutters.

"Uhh sure. See you at my place in 20." I say.

"Thanks V! I owe you one." She exclaims and hangs up.

I scratch my head to think about the reason as to why they are avoiding to face each other and what must have happened yesterday night but the moment my brain starts charging it's neurons or whatever it is for it, my stomach makes that sound.

Time to feed my tummy.

I settle on the kitchen counter with sandwiches and thats when the doorbell rings. I groan out loud at the interruption and rush to open the door.

"Why are you so early?" I ask my best friend who finally developed some punctuality.

Not that I am punctual. My case is a lot worse but I am the type of the person who happens to have a hypocritic bone in my body.

"Hello to you too!" She says and makes herself comfortable on the sofa.

"You are eager to meet your guy, aren't ya?" I ask, wriggling my eye-brows.

"Shut - up and serve me break-fast." She says while trying to hide her blush.

"Help yourself, female." I shrug as we sit down on the dining table.

"So... Tessie is coming with us." I say, starting a conversation.

"Why? I mean, isn't she supposed to be with Smith?" She asks.

"Yeah but she wants to join because she wants to spend time with us. I sympathize with her poor lying skills." I say.

"As if you can get away with one. By the way, is something wrong with them?" She asks.

"Yeah it seems to be the only logical reason. She was kinda off when we left the party." I say while licking the jam.

"Oh. Want to play cupid?" She says with a 'I-have-a-great-idea' look.

She has this look whenever she thinks she has a great idea. Keyword here being - she thinks.

"No. Let them solve it. We don't even know the problem to begin with." I say.

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