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(n.) The delusion of things being more beautiful than they are.

"You look like a mess." Elliot said dropping her school bag on the floor with a suprised look. I grunted as I continued to eat my cereal. I barely had any sleep, and the events of last night kept on hunting me when I tried to close my eyes.

After Cole, the terrifying intruder, left I had to clean up the mess and it took me two hours to remove the blood from the white carpet. How he managed to enter my house, was still a mystery to me, let's just say that I locked all the windows and doors again to make sure he won't be able to enter again.

"Couldn't sleep." I said lowly looking into the bowl full of soaked froot loops. "How come?" Elliot asked. Her heels clicked on the tile floor, indicating she's coming closer. She stood in front of me with a bowl in her hands and a curious look on her face.

I had no idea if I should tell Elliot what happened, what if he comes back knowing I told someone about him. But it was Elliot, I tell her everything.

"Please don't get mad or freak out or the worse, tell anyone." I said shoving the now tasteless cornflake bowl away. "What? What happened?" She asked and placed the carton of milk back on the kitchen island.

"There was an intruder." I said and Elliot, well, she freaked out. "What?! You didn't freaking call me or the police?!" She said almost yelling. "Calm down Elliot, nothing bad happened." I said placing my hand on my forehead, I was already dying because of a massive headache, and her screaming won't help at all.

"You bloody idiot! What happened?!" She said and sat down on the stool infront of me. "Well, there was someone at the door and I just woke up and you know how I am when I just wake up-"

"You didn't open the door did you?!" I nodded and she lightly banged her head into the marble kitchen island. Ouch.

"Well there was no one there. So I returned to the living room, but every light was turned out even the television that was obviously still on when I left to open the door. I thought that it was a power cut, but the light in the kitchen was still on. I got my mom's taser from the kitchen and walked into the living room. I leaned against the wall moving my hand to find the power switch, but then I felt something else," Elliot sat listening with wide eyes. "Where the hell was your phone at the moment? Couldn't you have like used a flashlight."

I glared at Elliot for a moment. "I'm not gonna run upstairs, in the dark may I add, to grab a damn flashlight. Who knows, there might be a killer party upstairs waiting to cut their next victim into pieces. Which would've been me." I said getting freaked out by my own thoughts.

"You're so extra Zara." Elliot rolled her eyes and began eating her cornflakes again, so I continued. "It was cold and I felt like a nose, I freaked out and carefully but as quiet as I could, walked back out of the room, I swear Elliot, I almost escaped, but these strong manly arms wrapped around my waist and a large hand over my mouth. My life flashed before my eyes, El." I said remembering the terrifying events of last night.

"God, Zara. Why didn't you tell, you could've spend the night at mines." Elliot said, shaking her head with a disappointed look on her face. "Well, it turned out to be a boy who knew my name and where I lived obviously, so he wasn't breaking in to steal. When he turned the lights back on, I was too scared to open my eyes, but when I did, I swear I choked on my saliva. He was handsome, yes very, but he completely covered in blood. Turns out he had a large gash across his chest, needed me to fix it." I said and Elliot stared at me wide eyed.

"You, being the good person you are, you probably fixed his wounds?" Elliot said with a small glare. I scoffed and shook my head. "You would too if there was a knife involved." I said and Elliot's frown turned into one tight line.

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